Handbook of Solvents - 3rd Edition, Volume 2, Use, Health, and Environment
The volume begins with a discussion of solvent used in over 30 industries, which are the main consumers of solvents. The analysis is conducted based on available data and contains information on the types (and frequently amounts) of solvents used and potential problems and solutions. This followed by a discussion of residual solvents left in final products.
The third edition contains the most recent findings and trends in the solvent application. This volume together with Vol. 1 Properties; Databook of Green Solvents; and Databook of Solvents contains the most comprehensive, and up to date information ever published on solvents.
The volume begins with a discussion of solvent used in over 30 industries, which are the main consumers of solvents. The analysis is conducted based on the available data and contains information on the types (and frequently amounts) of solvents used and potential problems and solutions.
Chapter 14 contains information on the methods of analysis of solvents and materials containing solvents. The chapter is divided into two sections containing standard and special methods of solvent analysis. This chapter is followed by a discussion of residual solvents left in final products.
The environmental impact of solvents, such as their fate and movement in the water, soil and air, fate-based management of solvent containing wastes, and ecotoxicological effects are discussed in chapter 16. The chapter also contains discussion of solvents impact on tropospheric air pollution.
The next two chapters are devoted to toxicology of solvents and regulations aiming to keep solvents toxicity under control. The analysis of concentration of solvents in more than 15 industries, specific issues related to paint industry, and characteristics of environment in automotive collision repair shops are followed by the thorough discussion of regulations in the USA and Europe.
Solvent toxicology chapters were written by professors and scientists from major centers who study the effects of solvents on various aspects of human health, immediate reaction to solvent poisoning, persistence of symptoms of solvent exposure, and effects of solvents on various parts of the human organism. This is a unique collection of observations which should be frequently consulted by solvent users and agencies which are responsible for the protection of people in the industrial environment.
The following chapters show some examples of solvent substitution by safer materials. Here the emphasis is placed on supercritical solvents, ionic liquids, deep eutectic solvents, and agriculture-based products, such as ethyl lactate. Discussion of solvent recycling, removal, and degradation includes absorptive solvent recovery, comparison of results of recovery and incineration, and application of solar photocatalytic oxidation.
The book is concluded with evaluation of methods of natural attenuation of various solvents in soils and modern methods of cleaning contaminated soils.
This comprehensive two volume book has no equal in depth and breadth to any other publication available today Also, Solvent database on CD-ROM is available which contains data on close to 2000 solvents. The data organized in sections such as General, Physical & Chemical Properties, Health & Safety, Environmental, and Use, contain all available and required data to use solvent efficiently and safely.
The third edition contains the most recent findings and trends in the solvent application. This volume together with Vol. 1 Properties; Databook of Green Solvents; and Databook of Solvents contains the most comprehensive, and up to date information ever published on solvents.
The volume begins with a discussion of solvent used in over 30 industries, which are the main consumers of solvents. The analysis is conducted based on the available data and contains information on the types (and frequently amounts) of solvents used and potential problems and solutions.
Chapter 14 contains information on the methods of analysis of solvents and materials containing solvents. The chapter is divided into two sections containing standard and special methods of solvent analysis. This chapter is followed by a discussion of residual solvents left in final products.
The environmental impact of solvents, such as their fate and movement in the water, soil and air, fate-based management of solvent containing wastes, and ecotoxicological effects are discussed in chapter 16. The chapter also contains discussion of solvents impact on tropospheric air pollution.
The next two chapters are devoted to toxicology of solvents and regulations aiming to keep solvents toxicity under control. The analysis of concentration of solvents in more than 15 industries, specific issues related to paint industry, and characteristics of environment in automotive collision repair shops are followed by the thorough discussion of regulations in the USA and Europe.
Solvent toxicology chapters were written by professors and scientists from major centers who study the effects of solvents on various aspects of human health, immediate reaction to solvent poisoning, persistence of symptoms of solvent exposure, and effects of solvents on various parts of the human organism. This is a unique collection of observations which should be frequently consulted by solvent users and agencies which are responsible for the protection of people in the industrial environment.
The following chapters show some examples of solvent substitution by safer materials. Here the emphasis is placed on supercritical solvents, ionic liquids, deep eutectic solvents, and agriculture-based products, such as ethyl lactate. Discussion of solvent recycling, removal, and degradation includes absorptive solvent recovery, comparison of results of recovery and incineration, and application of solar photocatalytic oxidation.
The book is concluded with evaluation of methods of natural attenuation of various solvents in soils and modern methods of cleaning contaminated soils.
This comprehensive two volume book has no equal in depth and breadth to any other publication available today Also, Solvent database on CD-ROM is available which contains data on close to 2000 solvents. The data organized in sections such as General, Physical & Chemical Properties, Health & Safety, Environmental, and Use, contain all available and required data to use solvent efficiently and safely.
13.1 Adhesives and sealants
George Wypych, ChemTec Laboratories, Toronto, Canada
13.2 Aerospace
13.3 Asphalt compounding
13.4 Biotechnology
13.4.1 Organic solvents in microbial production processes
Michiaki Matsumoto, Sonja Isken, Jan A. M. de Bont, Division of Industrial Microbiology Department of Food Technology and Nutritional Sciences, Wageningen University, Wageningen, The Netherlands
13.4.2 Solvent-resistant microorganisms
Tilman Hahn, Konrad Botzenhart, Institut fuer Allgemeine Hygiene und Umwelthygiene, Universitaet Tuebingen, Tuebingen, Germany
13.4.3 Choice of solvent for enzymatic reaction in organic solvent
Tsuneo Yamane, Graduate School of Bio- and Agro-Sciences, Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan
13.5 Coil coating
George Wypych, ChemTec Laboratories, Toronto, Canada
13.6 Cosmetics and personal care products
13.7 Dry cleaning - treatment of textiles in solvents
Kaspar D. Hasenclever, Kreussler & Co. GmbH, Wiesbaden, Germany
13.8 Fabricated metal products
George Wypych, ChemTec Laboratories, Toronto, Canada
13.9 Food industry - solvents for extracting vegetable oils
Phillip J. Wakelyn, National Cotton Council, Washington, DC, USA; Peter J. Wan, USDA, ARS, SRRC, New Orleans, LA, USA
13.10 Ground transportation
George Wypych, ChemTec Laboratories, Toronto, Canada
13.11 Inorganic chemical industry
13.12 Iron and steel industry
13.13 Lumber and wood products - Wood preservation treatment: significance of solvents
Tilman Hahn, Konrad Botzenhart, Fritz Schweinsberg, Institut fuer Allgemeine Hygiene und Umwelthygiene, Universitaet Tuebingen, Tuebingen, Germany; Gerhard Volland, Otto-Graf-Institut, Universitaet Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany
13.14 Medical applications
George Wypych, ChemTec Laboratories, Toronto, Canada
13.15 Metal casting
13.16 Motor vehicle assembly
13.17 Organic chemical industry
13.18 Paints and coatings
13.18.1 Architectural surface coatings and solvents
Tilman Hahn, Konrad Botzenhart, Fritz Schweinsberg, Institut fuer Allgemeine Hygiene und Umwelthygiene, Universitaet Tuebingen, Tuebingen, Germany; Gerhard Volland, Otto-Graf-Institut, Universitaet Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany
13.18.2 Recent advances in coalescing solvents for waterborne coatings
David Randall, Chemoxy International pcl, Cleveland, United Kingdom
13.19 Petroleum refining industry
George Wypych, ChemTec Laboratories, Toronto, Canada
13.20 Pharmaceutical industry
13.20.1 Use of solvents in the manufacture of drug substances (DS) and drug products (DP)
Michel Bauer, International Analytical Department, Sanofi-Synthelabo, Toulouse, France; Christine Barthelemy, Laboratoire de Pharmacie Galenique et Biopharmacie, Faculte des Sciences Pharmaceutiques et Biologiques, Universite de Lille 2, Lille, France
13.20.2 Predicting cosolvency for pharmaceutical and environmental applications
An Li, School of Public Health, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA
13.21 Polymers and man-made fibers
George Wypych, ChemTec Laboratories, Toronto, Canada
13.22 Printing industry
13.23 Pulp and paper
13.24 Rubber and Plastics
13.25 Use of solvents in the shipbuilding and ship repair industry
Mohamed Serageldin, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC, USA; Dave Reeves, Midwest Research Institute, Cary, NC, USA
13.26 Stone, clay, glass, and concrete
George Wypych, ChemTec Laboratories, Toronto, Canada
13.27 Textile industry
13.28 Transportation equipment cleaning
13.29 Water transportation
13.30 Wood furniture
13.31 Summary
14.1 Standard methods of solvent analysis
George Wypych, ChemTec Laboratories, Toronto, Canada
14.2 Special methods of solvent analysis
Myrto Petreas, California Environmental Protection Agency, Berkeley, USA
15.1 Residual solvents in various products
George Wypych, ChemTec Laboratories, Toronto, Canada
15.2 Residual solvents in pharmaceutical substances and products
Eric Deconinck and Bart Desmedt
16.1 The environmental chemistry of organic solvents
William R. Roy, USA
16.2 The environmental chemistry of ionic liquids
William R. Roy, USA
16.3 Organic solvent impacts on tropospheric air pollution
Michelle Bergin, Armistead Russell, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
17.1 Measurement and estimation of solvents emission and odor
Margot Scheithauer, Institut fuer Holztechnologie Dresden, Germany
17.2 Emission of organic solvents during usage of ecological paints
Krzysztof M. Benczek, Joanna Kurpiewska, Central Institute for Labor Protection, Warsaw, Poland
17.3 Solvent levels in the vehicle collision repair industry
Samuel Keer, Centre for Public Health Research, Wellington, New Zealand
18 Regulations in US and other countries
Carlos M. Nunez, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, National Risk Management Research Laboratory Research, Triangle Park, NC, USA
18.1 Regulations in Europe
Tilman Hahn, Konrad Botzenhart, Fritz Schweinsberg, Institut fuer Allgemeine Hygiene und Umwelthygiene, Universitaet Tuebingen, Tuebingen, Germany
19.1 Toxicokinetics, toxicodynamics, and toxicology
Tilman Hahn, Konrad Botzenhart, Fritz Schweinsberg, University of Tuebingen, Tuebingen, Germany
19.2 Solvent exposure in pregnancy
SC Mitchell, Computational and Systems Medicine, Imperial College, London, UK and RH Waring
School of Biosciences, University of Birmingham, UK
19.3 Nephrotoxicity of industrial solvents
Nachman Brautbar and Michael P. Wu, University of Southern California, School of Medicine, Department of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA, USA and Nachman Brautbar, M.D., Inc., Los Angeles, CA, USA
19.4 Lymphohematopoietic malignancies among workers exposed to benzene including leukemia, lymphoma, and multiple myeloma
Nachman Brautbar, Michael P. Wu, Alexandra E. Rieders, University of Southern California, School of Medicine, Department of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA, USA and Nachman Brautbar, M.D., Inc., Los Angeles, CA, USA
19.5 Genotoxicity of benzene
Nachman Brautbar, Michael P. Wu, Alexandra E. Rieders, University of Southern California, School of Medicine, Department of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA, USA and Nachman Brautbar, M.D., Inc., Los Angeles, CA, USA
19.6 Chromosomal aberrations and sister chromatoid exchanges
Nachman Brautbar, University of Southern California, School of Medicine, Department of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA, USA and Nachman Brautbar, M.D., Inc., Los Angeles, CA, USA
19.7 Hepatotoxicity of industrial solvents
Nachman Brautbar and Michael P. Wu, University of Southern California, School of Medicine, Department of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA, USA and Nachman Brautbar, M.D., Inc., Los Angeles, CA, USA
19.8 Toxicity of environmental solvent exposure for brain, lung and heart
Kaye H. Kilburn, School of Medicine, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA
20.1 Supercritical solvents
Aydin K. Sunol, Sermin G. Sunol, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, USA
20.2 Ionic liquids
D.W. Rooney and Johan Jacquemin, School of Chemistry, The Queen’s University of Belfast, Belfast, Northern Ireland
20.3 Deep eutectic solvents and their applications as new green reaction media
Joaquin Garcia-Alvarez, Universidad de Oviedo, Spain
20.4 Novel applications of the bio-based solvent ethyl lactate in chemical technology
David Villanueva-Bermejo, Department of Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science,
University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada and Tiziana Fornari, Instituto de Investigación en Ciencias de la Alimentación, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
21.1 Absorptive solvent recovery
Klaus-Dirk Henning, CarboTech Aktivkohlen GmbH, Essen, Germany
21.2 Recovery versus incineration
Danilo Alexander Figueroa Paredes and José Espinosa. INGAR, Avellaneda, Argentina and Antonio Amelio, Department of Environment, Land and Infrastructure Engineering), Politecnico di Torino, Torino, Italy
21.3 Solvent recovery, recycling, and incineration
George Wypych
ChemTec Laboratories, Toronto, Canada
21.4 Application of solar photocatalytic oxidation to VOC-containing airstreams
K. A. Magrini, A. S. Watt, L. C. Boyd, E. J. Wolfrum, S. A. Larson,C. Roth, G. C. Glatzmaier, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, CO, USA
Hanadi S. Rifai, Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Houston, Houston, Texas, USA; Groundwater Services, Inc., Houston, Texas, USA; Charles J. Newell Todd H. Wiedemeier, Parson Engineering Science, Denver, CO, USA
Moffett Field, CA
13.1 Adhesives and sealants
George Wypych, ChemTec Laboratories, Toronto, Canada
13.2 Aerospace
13.3 Asphalt compounding
13.4 Biotechnology
13.4.1 Organic solvents in microbial production processes
Michiaki Matsumoto, Sonja Isken, Jan A. M. de Bont, Division of Industrial Microbiology Department of Food Technology and Nutritional Sciences, Wageningen University, Wageningen, The Netherlands
13.4.2 Solvent-resistant microorganisms
Tilman Hahn, Konrad Botzenhart, Institut fuer Allgemeine Hygiene und Umwelthygiene, Universitaet Tuebingen, Tuebingen, Germany
13.4.3 Choice of solvent for enzymatic reaction in organic solvent
Tsuneo Yamane, Graduate School of Bio- and Agro-Sciences, Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan
13.5 Coil coating
George Wypych, ChemTec Laboratories, Toronto, Canada
13.6 Cosmetics and personal care products
13.7 Dry cleaning - treatment of textiles in solvents
Kaspar D. Hasenclever, Kreussler & Co. GmbH, Wiesbaden, Germany
13.8 Fabricated metal products
George Wypych, ChemTec Laboratories, Toronto, Canada
13.9 Food industry - solvents for extracting vegetable oils
Phillip J. Wakelyn, National Cotton Council, Washington, DC, USA; Peter J. Wan, USDA, ARS, SRRC, New Orleans, LA, USA
13.10 Ground transportation
George Wypych, ChemTec Laboratories, Toronto, Canada
13.11 Inorganic chemical industry
13.12 Iron and steel industry
13.13 Lumber and wood products - Wood preservation treatment: significance of solvents
Tilman Hahn, Konrad Botzenhart, Fritz Schweinsberg, Institut fuer Allgemeine Hygiene und Umwelthygiene, Universitaet Tuebingen, Tuebingen, Germany; Gerhard Volland, Otto-Graf-Institut, Universitaet Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany
13.14 Medical applications
George Wypych, ChemTec Laboratories, Toronto, Canada
13.15 Metal casting
13.16 Motor vehicle assembly
13.17 Organic chemical industry
13.18 Paints and coatings
13.18.1 Architectural surface coatings and solvents
Tilman Hahn, Konrad Botzenhart, Fritz Schweinsberg, Institut fuer Allgemeine Hygiene und Umwelthygiene, Universitaet Tuebingen, Tuebingen, Germany; Gerhard Volland, Otto-Graf-Institut, Universitaet Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany
13.18.2 Recent advances in coalescing solvents for waterborne coatings
David Randall, Chemoxy International pcl, Cleveland, United Kingdom
13.19 Petroleum refining industry
George Wypych, ChemTec Laboratories, Toronto, Canada
13.20 Pharmaceutical industry
13.20.1 Use of solvents in the manufacture of drug substances (DS) and drug products (DP)
Michel Bauer, International Analytical Department, Sanofi-Synthelabo, Toulouse, France; Christine Barthelemy, Laboratoire de Pharmacie Galenique et Biopharmacie, Faculte des Sciences Pharmaceutiques et Biologiques, Universite de Lille 2, Lille, France
13.20.2 Predicting cosolvency for pharmaceutical and environmental applications
An Li, School of Public Health, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA
13.21 Polymers and man-made fibers
George Wypych, ChemTec Laboratories, Toronto, Canada
13.22 Printing industry
13.23 Pulp and paper
13.24 Rubber and Plastics
13.25 Use of solvents in the shipbuilding and ship repair industry
Mohamed Serageldin, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC, USA; Dave Reeves, Midwest Research Institute, Cary, NC, USA
13.26 Stone, clay, glass, and concrete
George Wypych, ChemTec Laboratories, Toronto, Canada
13.27 Textile industry
13.28 Transportation equipment cleaning
13.29 Water transportation
13.30 Wood furniture
13.31 Summary
14.1 Standard methods of solvent analysis
George Wypych, ChemTec Laboratories, Toronto, Canada
14.2 Special methods of solvent analysis
Myrto Petreas, California Environmental Protection Agency, Berkeley, USA
15.1 Residual solvents in various products
George Wypych, ChemTec Laboratories, Toronto, Canada
15.2 Residual solvents in pharmaceutical substances and products
Eric Deconinck and Bart Desmedt
16.1 The environmental chemistry of organic solvents
William R. Roy, USA
16.2 The environmental chemistry of ionic liquids
William R. Roy, USA
16.3 Organic solvent impacts on tropospheric air pollution
Michelle Bergin, Armistead Russell, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
17.1 Measurement and estimation of solvents emission and odor
Margot Scheithauer, Institut fuer Holztechnologie Dresden, Germany
17.2 Emission of organic solvents during usage of ecological paints
Krzysztof M. Benczek, Joanna Kurpiewska, Central Institute for Labor Protection, Warsaw, Poland
17.3 Solvent levels in the vehicle collision repair industry
Samuel Keer, Centre for Public Health Research, Wellington, New Zealand
18 Regulations in US and other countries
Carlos M. Nunez, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, National Risk Management Research Laboratory Research, Triangle Park, NC, USA
18.1 Regulations in Europe
Tilman Hahn, Konrad Botzenhart, Fritz Schweinsberg, Institut fuer Allgemeine Hygiene und Umwelthygiene, Universitaet Tuebingen, Tuebingen, Germany
19.1 Toxicokinetics, toxicodynamics, and toxicology
Tilman Hahn, Konrad Botzenhart, Fritz Schweinsberg, University of Tuebingen, Tuebingen, Germany
19.2 Solvent exposure in pregnancy
SC Mitchell, Computational and Systems Medicine, Imperial College, London, UK and RH Waring
School of Biosciences, University of Birmingham, UK
19.3 Nephrotoxicity of industrial solvents
Nachman Brautbar and Michael P. Wu, University of Southern California, School of Medicine, Department of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA, USA and Nachman Brautbar, M.D., Inc., Los Angeles, CA, USA
19.4 Lymphohematopoietic malignancies among workers exposed to benzene including leukemia, lymphoma, and multiple myeloma
Nachman Brautbar, Michael P. Wu, Alexandra E. Rieders, University of Southern California, School of Medicine, Department of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA, USA and Nachman Brautbar, M.D., Inc., Los Angeles, CA, USA
19.5 Genotoxicity of benzene
Nachman Brautbar, Michael P. Wu, Alexandra E. Rieders, University of Southern California, School of Medicine, Department of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA, USA and Nachman Brautbar, M.D., Inc., Los Angeles, CA, USA
19.6 Chromosomal aberrations and sister chromatoid exchanges
Nachman Brautbar, University of Southern California, School of Medicine, Department of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA, USA and Nachman Brautbar, M.D., Inc., Los Angeles, CA, USA
19.7 Hepatotoxicity of industrial solvents
Nachman Brautbar and Michael P. Wu, University of Southern California, School of Medicine, Department of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA, USA and Nachman Brautbar, M.D., Inc., Los Angeles, CA, USA
19.8 Toxicity of environmental solvent exposure for brain, lung and heart
Kaye H. Kilburn, School of Medicine, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA
20.1 Supercritical solvents
Aydin K. Sunol, Sermin G. Sunol, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, USA
20.2 Ionic liquids
D.W. Rooney and Johan Jacquemin, School of Chemistry, The Queen’s University of Belfast, Belfast, Northern Ireland
20.3 Deep eutectic solvents and their applications as new green reaction media
Joaquin Garcia-Alvarez, Universidad de Oviedo, Spain
20.4 Novel applications of the bio-based solvent ethyl lactate in chemical technology
David Villanueva-Bermejo, Department of Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science,
University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada and Tiziana Fornari, Instituto de Investigación en Ciencias de la Alimentación, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
21.1 Absorptive solvent recovery
Klaus-Dirk Henning, CarboTech Aktivkohlen GmbH, Essen, Germany
21.2 Recovery versus incineration
Danilo Alexander Figueroa Paredes and José Espinosa. INGAR, Avellaneda, Argentina and Antonio Amelio, Department of Environment, Land and Infrastructure Engineering), Politecnico di Torino, Torino, Italy
21.3 Solvent recovery, recycling, and incineration
George Wypych
ChemTec Laboratories, Toronto, Canada
21.4 Application of solar photocatalytic oxidation to VOC-containing airstreams
K. A. Magrini, A. S. Watt, L. C. Boyd, E. J. Wolfrum, S. A. Larson,C. Roth, G. C. Glatzmaier, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, CO, USA
Hanadi S. Rifai, Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Houston, Houston, Texas, USA; Groundwater Services, Inc., Houston, Texas, USA; Charles J. Newell Todd H. Wiedemeier, Parson Engineering Science, Denver, CO, USA
Moffett Field, CA
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Weathering. The Testin...
{"id":8325757829277,"title":"Weathering. The Testing Manual","handle":"weathering-the-testing-manual","description":"\u003ch5\u003eDescription\u003c\/h5\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eAuthor: George Wypych\u003cbr\u003eISBN \u003cspan style=\"font-size: 11.0pt; line-height: 107%; font-family: 'Calibri',sans-serif; mso-ascii-theme-font: minor-latin; mso-fareast-font-family: Calibri; mso-fareast-theme-font: minor-latin; mso-hansi-theme-font: minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-bidi-theme-font: minor-bidi; mso-ansi-language: EN-US; mso-fareast-language: EN-US; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;\" data-mce-style=\"font-size: 11.0pt; line-height: 107%; font-family: 'Calibri',sans-serif; mso-ascii-theme-font: minor-latin; mso-fareast-font-family: Calibri; mso-fareast-theme-font: minor-latin; mso-hansi-theme-font: minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-bidi-theme-font: minor-bidi; mso-ansi-language: EN-US; mso-fareast-language: EN-US; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;\"\u003e978-1-77467-064-4\u003c\/span\u003e\u003cbr\u003e\u003cbr\u003e\u003cmeta charset=\"utf-8\"\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003cspan\u003ePublished: Jan 2025\u003c\/span\u003e\u003cbr\u003ePages: 216+x\u003cbr\u003eFigures: 47\u003cbr\u003eTables: 75\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003ch5\u003eSummary\u003c\/h5\u003e\n\u003cp class=\"p1\"\u003eA weathering testing manual provides guidelines and procedures for conducting weathering tests on various materials and products to simulate the effects of exposure. The methods of weathering, which are discussed in Weathering. The Testing Manual, are based on requirements of ASTM, ISO, BS, Ford, GM, IEC, IEEE, MIL PV, SAE, UL, and VDA standards. These tests are particularly important for industries such as automotive, construction, coatings, electrical insulating materials, fibers, firestop materials, gaskets, geotextiles, geomembranes, glazing, inkjet inks, laminated glass, marine products, metals, paper, plastics, photovoltaic modules, pipes, printed electronic devices, roofing, rubber, sealants, solar collectors, switches,\u003cspan class=\"Apple-converted-space\"\u003e \u003c\/span\u003etextiles, thermal insulation, tubing, waterproofing, wire \u0026amp; cable, and wood.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp class=\"p1\"\u003eThe Weathering. The Testing Manual contains detailed information on the methods used, their differences, parameter settings, and hardware that is commercially available for performing the tests. It also includes information on sample preparation, evaluation methods, frequency of data collection, data analysis and interpretation, and reporting.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp class=\"p1\"\u003eResults of testing, which are available in open literature are compared with requirements of standards for different products.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp class=\"p1\"\u003eThis book will be published at the same time as the 7th Edition of the Handbook of Material Weathering and the Encyclopedia of Polymer Degradation. Each book has a different purpose. Handbook of Material Weathering is the monographic source of knowledge on various aspects of weathering, which has been reporting achievements in this field for the last 35 years. Weathering. The Testing Manual, as the above outline suggests, provides knowledge on testing of currently produced major commercial products. The purpose of Encyclopedia of Polymer Degradation is to outline the limitations and challenges of presently conducted weathering studies to formulate needs and directions for transition from present comparative evaluation to knowledge-based utilization of existing resources, the book aims to facilitate more effective prevention of waste and environmental pollution caused by material failures, partially caused by incomplete understanding of their properties and limitations.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp class=\"p1\"\u003eThe three books together are powerful tools for chemists, chemical engineers, legislators, environmental chemists, university teachers, and students providing the most comprehensive knowledge on material weathering ever assembled.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003ch5\u003eTable of Contents\u003c\/h5\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e1 Introduction\u003cbr\u003e2 Conditions of Outdoor Exposures\u003cbr\u003e2.1 Radiation\u003cbr\u003e2.2 Temperature\u003cbr\u003e2.3 Moisture and rain\u003cbr\u003e2.4 Oxygen and its forms\u003cbr\u003e2.5 Pollutant gases in the air (outdoor and indoor)\u003cbr\u003e2.6 Particulate materials and soot\u003cbr\u003e2.7 Stress\u003cbr\u003e2.8 Biological substances and colonization\u003cbr\u003e3 Measurements in Weathering Environments\u003cbr\u003e3.1 Radiation\u003cbr\u003e3.2 Sunshine duration\u003cbr\u003e3.3 Temperature \u003cbr\u003e3.4 Relative humidity\u003cbr\u003e3.5 Time of wetness\u003cbr\u003e3.6 Rain\u003cbr\u003e3.7 Pollutants\u003cbr\u003e3.7.1 Carbon dioxide \u003cbr\u003e3.7.2 Carbon monoxide\u003cbr\u003e3.7.3 Sulfur dioxide and acid rain\u003cbr\u003e3.7.4 Nitrogen oxides\u003cbr\u003e3.7.5 Ozone\u003cbr\u003e3.7.6 Particles and soot\u003cbr\u003e4 Methods of Outdoor Exposure\u003cbr\u003e4.1 Locations and their climatic peculiarities\u003cbr\u003e4.2 Preparation of the site for exposure\u003cbr\u003e4.3 Preparation of samples for exposure\u003cbr\u003e4.4 Methods of exposure according to standards\u003cbr\u003e5 Laboratory Exposures\u003cbr\u003e5.1 Radiation sources and their comparison with global spectral irradiance\u003cbr\u003e5.1.1 Radiation wavelength \u003cbr\u003e5.1.2 Irradiance\u003cbr\u003e5.2 Temperature control \u003cbr\u003e5.3 Humidity and rain control and simulation \u003cbr\u003e5.4 Other simulated parameters of exposure\u003cbr\u003e5.5 Reference materials\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e6 Standards on Weathering Parameters\u003cbr\u003e6.1 Acceleration in laboratory weathering\u003cbr\u003e6.2 Activation energy\u003cbr\u003e6.3 Activation spectrum\u003cbr\u003e6.4 Global spectral irradiance\u003cbr\u003e6.5 Marine environments\u003cbr\u003e6.6 Ozone in the atmosphere and indoors\u003cbr\u003e7 Testing Methods of Products (for each product group standardized methods are discussed and compared and examples of durability are given based on available literature)\u003cbr\u003e7.1 Adhesives\u003cbr\u003e7.2 Architectural coatings\u003cbr\u003e7.3 Artist pencils\u003cbr\u003e7.4 Automotive coatings and interior\u003cbr\u003e7.5 Bituminous coatings and materials\u003cbr\u003e7.6 Coated hardboard\u003cbr\u003e7.7 Cosmetics\u003cbr\u003e7.8 Cover materials for solar collectors\u003cbr\u003e7.9 Electrical insulating materials\u003cbr\u003e7.10 Fibers\u003cbr\u003e7.11 Firestop materials\u003cbr\u003e7.12 Gaskets\u003cbr\u003e7.13 Geosynthetics\u003cbr\u003e7.14 Glazing\u003cbr\u003e7.15 Hoses\u003cbr\u003e7.16 Inkjet inks\u003cbr\u003e7.17 Laminated glass\u003cbr\u003e7.18 Metals\u003cbr\u003e7.19 Optics and photonics\u003cbr\u003e7.20 Ozone testing\u003cbr\u003e7.21 Paints and coatings\u003cbr\u003e7.22 Polyethylene and polypropylene\u003cbr\u003e7.23 Polyethylene crosslinked\u003cbr\u003e7.24 Photodegradable plastics\u003cbr\u003e7.25 Photovoltaic modules\u003cbr\u003e7.26 Pipeline coatings\u003cbr\u003e7.27 Pipes\u003cbr\u003e7.28 Plastics\u003cbr\u003e7.29 Polish applied to painted panel\u003cbr\u003e7.30 Polymer degradation\u003cbr\u003e7.31 Polymeric films\u003cbr\u003e7.32 Pressure-sensitive tapes\u003cbr\u003e7.33 Printed electronic devices and switches\u003cbr\u003e7.34 Prints\u003cbr\u003e7.35 Road vehicles\u003cbr\u003e7.36 Roofing and waterproofing\u003cbr\u003e7.37 Rubber\u003cbr\u003e7.38 Rubber seals used in collectors\u003cbr\u003e7.39 Sealants\u003cbr\u003e7.40 Solid materials (rocks)\u003cbr\u003e7.41 Surgical implants\u003cbr\u003e7.42 Textiles\u003cbr\u003e7.43 Thermal insulation\u003cbr\u003e7.44 Thermoplastic elastomers\u003cbr\u003e7.45 Transportation coatings\u003cbr\u003e7.46 Tubing\u003cbr\u003e7.47 Wood\u003cbr\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003cbr\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003ch5\u003eAbout Author\u003c\/h5\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003cmeta charset=\"utf-8\"\u003e\u003cspan\u003eGeorge Wypych has PhD Eng. The professional expertise includes university teaching (full professor) and research \u0026amp; development (university and corporate). He has published 48 books (PVC Plastisols, Wroclaw University Press; Polyvinylchloride Degradation, Elsevier; Polyvinylchloride Stabilization, Elsevier; Polymer Modified Textile Materials, Wiley \u0026amp; Sons; Handbook of Material Weathering, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th Edition, ChemTec Publishing; Handbook of Fillers, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Edition, ChemTec Publishing; Recycling of PVC, ChemTec Publishing; Weathering of Plastics. Testing to Mirror Real Life Performance, Plastics Design Library, Handbook of Solvents, Vol. 1. Properties 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Edition, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Solvents, Vol. 2. Health \u0026amp; Environment 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Edition, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Plasticizers, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th Edition, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Antistatics, 1st and 2nd Edition, ChemTec Publishing, Databook of Antistatics, 1st and 2nd Edition, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Antiblocking, Release and Slip Additives, 1st , 2nd and 3rd Edition, ChemTec Publishing, Industrial Solvents in Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology (two editions), John Wiley \u0026amp; Sons, PVC Degradation \u0026amp; Stabilization, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Editions, ChemTec Publishing, The PVC Formulary, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Editions, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Material Biodegradation, Biodeterioration, and Biostabilization, 1st and 2nd Editions, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of UV Degradation and Stabilization, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Editions, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Polymers, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Editions, ChemTec Publishing, Atlas of Material Damage, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Editions, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Odors in Plastic Materials, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Editions, ChemTec Publishing, Databook of Solvents (two editions), ChemTec Publishing, Databook of Blowing and Auxiliary Agents, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Foaming and Blowing Agents (two editions), ChemTec Publishing, Databook of Green Solvents, ChemTec Publishing (two editions), Self-healing Products (two editions), ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Adhesion Promoters (two editions), ChemTec Publishing, Databook of Surface Modification Additives (two editions), ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Surface Improvement and Modification (two editions), ChemTec Publishing, Graphene – Important Results and Applications, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Curatives and Crosslinkers, ChemTec Publishing, Chain Mobility and Progress in Medicine, Pharmaceutical, Polymer Science and Technology, Impact of Award, ChemTec Publishing, Databook of Antioxidants, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Antioxidants, ChemTec Publishing, Databook of UV Stabilizers (two Editions), ChemTec Publishing, Databook of Flame Retardants, ChemTec Publishing, Databook of Nucleating Agents, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Flame Retardants, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Nucleating Agents, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Polymers in Electronics, ChemTec Publishing, Databook of Impact Modifiers, ChemTec Publishing, Databook of Rheological Additives, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Impact Modifiers, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Rheological Additives, ChemTec Publishing, Databook of Polymer Processing Additives, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Polymer Processing Additives, ChemTec Publishing, Functional Fillers (two editions), 2 databases (Solvents Database, 1st, 2nd, 3rd Edition and Database of Antistatics 1st and 2nd Edition, both by ChemTec Publishing), and 42 scientific papers and obtained 16 patents. He specializes in PVC, polymer additives, material durability, and the development of sealants and coatings. He was included in the Dictionary of International Biography, Who's Who in Plastics and Polymers, and Who's Who in Engineering, and was selected International Man of the Year 1996-1997 in recognition of services to education.\u003c\/span\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e","published_at":"2024-06-12T09:47:56-04:00","created_at":"2024-06-12T09:43:36-04:00","vendor":"Chemtec Publishing","type":"Book","tags":["2025","additive","additives","adhesion","best","book","filler","fillers","methods of weathering","new","polymer","polymers","weathering"],"price":35000,"price_min":35000,"price_max":35000,"available":true,"price_varies":false,"compare_at_price":null,"compare_at_price_min":0,"compare_at_price_max":0,"compare_at_price_varies":false,"variants":[{"id":45528794464413,"title":"Default Title","option1":"Default Title","option2":null,"option3":null,"sku":null,"requires_shipping":true,"taxable":true,"featured_image":null,"available":true,"name":"Weathering. The Testing Manual","public_title":null,"options":["Default Title"],"price":35000,"weight":1000,"compare_at_price":null,"inventory_quantity":0,"inventory_management":null,"inventory_policy":"continue","barcode":"978-1-77467-064-4","requires_selling_plan":false,"selling_plan_allocations":[]}],"images":["\/\/chemtec.org\/cdn\/shop\/files\/9781774670644-Case.jpg?v=1718200046"],"featured_image":"\/\/chemtec.org\/cdn\/shop\/files\/9781774670644-Case.jpg?v=1718200046","options":["Title"],"media":[{"alt":null,"id":29565600137373,"position":1,"preview_image":{"aspect_ratio":0.638,"height":450,"width":287,"src":"\/\/chemtec.org\/cdn\/shop\/files\/9781774670644-Case.jpg?v=1718200046"},"aspect_ratio":0.638,"height":450,"media_type":"image","src":"\/\/chemtec.org\/cdn\/shop\/files\/9781774670644-Case.jpg?v=1718200046","width":287}],"requires_selling_plan":false,"selling_plan_groups":[],"content":"\u003ch5\u003eDescription\u003c\/h5\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eAuthor: George Wypych\u003cbr\u003eISBN \u003cspan style=\"font-size: 11.0pt; line-height: 107%; font-family: 'Calibri',sans-serif; mso-ascii-theme-font: minor-latin; mso-fareast-font-family: Calibri; mso-fareast-theme-font: minor-latin; mso-hansi-theme-font: minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-bidi-theme-font: minor-bidi; mso-ansi-language: EN-US; mso-fareast-language: EN-US; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;\" data-mce-style=\"font-size: 11.0pt; line-height: 107%; font-family: 'Calibri',sans-serif; mso-ascii-theme-font: minor-latin; mso-fareast-font-family: Calibri; mso-fareast-theme-font: minor-latin; mso-hansi-theme-font: minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-bidi-theme-font: minor-bidi; mso-ansi-language: EN-US; mso-fareast-language: EN-US; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;\"\u003e978-1-77467-064-4\u003c\/span\u003e\u003cbr\u003e\u003cbr\u003e\u003cmeta charset=\"utf-8\"\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003cspan\u003ePublished: Jan 2025\u003c\/span\u003e\u003cbr\u003ePages: 216+x\u003cbr\u003eFigures: 47\u003cbr\u003eTables: 75\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003ch5\u003eSummary\u003c\/h5\u003e\n\u003cp class=\"p1\"\u003eA weathering testing manual provides guidelines and procedures for conducting weathering tests on various materials and products to simulate the effects of exposure. The methods of weathering, which are discussed in Weathering. The Testing Manual, are based on requirements of ASTM, ISO, BS, Ford, GM, IEC, IEEE, MIL PV, SAE, UL, and VDA standards. These tests are particularly important for industries such as automotive, construction, coatings, electrical insulating materials, fibers, firestop materials, gaskets, geotextiles, geomembranes, glazing, inkjet inks, laminated glass, marine products, metals, paper, plastics, photovoltaic modules, pipes, printed electronic devices, roofing, rubber, sealants, solar collectors, switches,\u003cspan class=\"Apple-converted-space\"\u003e \u003c\/span\u003etextiles, thermal insulation, tubing, waterproofing, wire \u0026amp; cable, and wood.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp class=\"p1\"\u003eThe Weathering. The Testing Manual contains detailed information on the methods used, their differences, parameter settings, and hardware that is commercially available for performing the tests. It also includes information on sample preparation, evaluation methods, frequency of data collection, data analysis and interpretation, and reporting.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp class=\"p1\"\u003eResults of testing, which are available in open literature are compared with requirements of standards for different products.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp class=\"p1\"\u003eThis book will be published at the same time as the 7th Edition of the Handbook of Material Weathering and the Encyclopedia of Polymer Degradation. Each book has a different purpose. Handbook of Material Weathering is the monographic source of knowledge on various aspects of weathering, which has been reporting achievements in this field for the last 35 years. Weathering. The Testing Manual, as the above outline suggests, provides knowledge on testing of currently produced major commercial products. The purpose of Encyclopedia of Polymer Degradation is to outline the limitations and challenges of presently conducted weathering studies to formulate needs and directions for transition from present comparative evaluation to knowledge-based utilization of existing resources, the book aims to facilitate more effective prevention of waste and environmental pollution caused by material failures, partially caused by incomplete understanding of their properties and limitations.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp class=\"p1\"\u003eThe three books together are powerful tools for chemists, chemical engineers, legislators, environmental chemists, university teachers, and students providing the most comprehensive knowledge on material weathering ever assembled.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003ch5\u003eTable of Contents\u003c\/h5\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e1 Introduction\u003cbr\u003e2 Conditions of Outdoor Exposures\u003cbr\u003e2.1 Radiation\u003cbr\u003e2.2 Temperature\u003cbr\u003e2.3 Moisture and rain\u003cbr\u003e2.4 Oxygen and its forms\u003cbr\u003e2.5 Pollutant gases in the air (outdoor and indoor)\u003cbr\u003e2.6 Particulate materials and soot\u003cbr\u003e2.7 Stress\u003cbr\u003e2.8 Biological substances and colonization\u003cbr\u003e3 Measurements in Weathering Environments\u003cbr\u003e3.1 Radiation\u003cbr\u003e3.2 Sunshine duration\u003cbr\u003e3.3 Temperature \u003cbr\u003e3.4 Relative humidity\u003cbr\u003e3.5 Time of wetness\u003cbr\u003e3.6 Rain\u003cbr\u003e3.7 Pollutants\u003cbr\u003e3.7.1 Carbon dioxide \u003cbr\u003e3.7.2 Carbon monoxide\u003cbr\u003e3.7.3 Sulfur dioxide and acid rain\u003cbr\u003e3.7.4 Nitrogen oxides\u003cbr\u003e3.7.5 Ozone\u003cbr\u003e3.7.6 Particles and soot\u003cbr\u003e4 Methods of Outdoor Exposure\u003cbr\u003e4.1 Locations and their climatic peculiarities\u003cbr\u003e4.2 Preparation of the site for exposure\u003cbr\u003e4.3 Preparation of samples for exposure\u003cbr\u003e4.4 Methods of exposure according to standards\u003cbr\u003e5 Laboratory Exposures\u003cbr\u003e5.1 Radiation sources and their comparison with global spectral irradiance\u003cbr\u003e5.1.1 Radiation wavelength \u003cbr\u003e5.1.2 Irradiance\u003cbr\u003e5.2 Temperature control \u003cbr\u003e5.3 Humidity and rain control and simulation \u003cbr\u003e5.4 Other simulated parameters of exposure\u003cbr\u003e5.5 Reference materials\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e6 Standards on Weathering Parameters\u003cbr\u003e6.1 Acceleration in laboratory weathering\u003cbr\u003e6.2 Activation energy\u003cbr\u003e6.3 Activation spectrum\u003cbr\u003e6.4 Global spectral irradiance\u003cbr\u003e6.5 Marine environments\u003cbr\u003e6.6 Ozone in the atmosphere and indoors\u003cbr\u003e7 Testing Methods of Products (for each product group standardized methods are discussed and compared and examples of durability are given based on available literature)\u003cbr\u003e7.1 Adhesives\u003cbr\u003e7.2 Architectural coatings\u003cbr\u003e7.3 Artist pencils\u003cbr\u003e7.4 Automotive coatings and interior\u003cbr\u003e7.5 Bituminous coatings and materials\u003cbr\u003e7.6 Coated hardboard\u003cbr\u003e7.7 Cosmetics\u003cbr\u003e7.8 Cover materials for solar collectors\u003cbr\u003e7.9 Electrical insulating materials\u003cbr\u003e7.10 Fibers\u003cbr\u003e7.11 Firestop materials\u003cbr\u003e7.12 Gaskets\u003cbr\u003e7.13 Geosynthetics\u003cbr\u003e7.14 Glazing\u003cbr\u003e7.15 Hoses\u003cbr\u003e7.16 Inkjet inks\u003cbr\u003e7.17 Laminated glass\u003cbr\u003e7.18 Metals\u003cbr\u003e7.19 Optics and photonics\u003cbr\u003e7.20 Ozone testing\u003cbr\u003e7.21 Paints and coatings\u003cbr\u003e7.22 Polyethylene and polypropylene\u003cbr\u003e7.23 Polyethylene crosslinked\u003cbr\u003e7.24 Photodegradable plastics\u003cbr\u003e7.25 Photovoltaic modules\u003cbr\u003e7.26 Pipeline coatings\u003cbr\u003e7.27 Pipes\u003cbr\u003e7.28 Plastics\u003cbr\u003e7.29 Polish applied to painted panel\u003cbr\u003e7.30 Polymer degradation\u003cbr\u003e7.31 Polymeric films\u003cbr\u003e7.32 Pressure-sensitive tapes\u003cbr\u003e7.33 Printed electronic devices and switches\u003cbr\u003e7.34 Prints\u003cbr\u003e7.35 Road vehicles\u003cbr\u003e7.36 Roofing and waterproofing\u003cbr\u003e7.37 Rubber\u003cbr\u003e7.38 Rubber seals used in collectors\u003cbr\u003e7.39 Sealants\u003cbr\u003e7.40 Solid materials (rocks)\u003cbr\u003e7.41 Surgical implants\u003cbr\u003e7.42 Textiles\u003cbr\u003e7.43 Thermal insulation\u003cbr\u003e7.44 Thermoplastic elastomers\u003cbr\u003e7.45 Transportation coatings\u003cbr\u003e7.46 Tubing\u003cbr\u003e7.47 Wood\u003cbr\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003cbr\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003ch5\u003eAbout Author\u003c\/h5\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003cmeta charset=\"utf-8\"\u003e\u003cspan\u003eGeorge Wypych has PhD Eng. The professional expertise includes university teaching (full professor) and research \u0026amp; development (university and corporate). He has published 48 books (PVC Plastisols, Wroclaw University Press; Polyvinylchloride Degradation, Elsevier; Polyvinylchloride Stabilization, Elsevier; Polymer Modified Textile Materials, Wiley \u0026amp; Sons; Handbook of Material Weathering, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th Edition, ChemTec Publishing; Handbook of Fillers, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Edition, ChemTec Publishing; Recycling of PVC, ChemTec Publishing; Weathering of Plastics. Testing to Mirror Real Life Performance, Plastics Design Library, Handbook of Solvents, Vol. 1. Properties 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Edition, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Solvents, Vol. 2. Health \u0026amp; Environment 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Edition, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Plasticizers, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th Edition, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Antistatics, 1st and 2nd Edition, ChemTec Publishing, Databook of Antistatics, 1st and 2nd Edition, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Antiblocking, Release and Slip Additives, 1st , 2nd and 3rd Edition, ChemTec Publishing, Industrial Solvents in Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology (two editions), John Wiley \u0026amp; Sons, PVC Degradation \u0026amp; Stabilization, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Editions, ChemTec Publishing, The PVC Formulary, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Editions, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Material Biodegradation, Biodeterioration, and Biostabilization, 1st and 2nd Editions, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of UV Degradation and Stabilization, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Editions, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Polymers, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Editions, ChemTec Publishing, Atlas of Material Damage, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Editions, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Odors in Plastic Materials, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Editions, ChemTec Publishing, Databook of Solvents (two editions), ChemTec Publishing, Databook of Blowing and Auxiliary Agents, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Foaming and Blowing Agents (two editions), ChemTec Publishing, Databook of Green Solvents, ChemTec Publishing (two editions), Self-healing Products (two editions), ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Adhesion Promoters (two editions), ChemTec Publishing, Databook of Surface Modification Additives (two editions), ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Surface Improvement and Modification (two editions), ChemTec Publishing, Graphene – Important Results and Applications, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Curatives and Crosslinkers, ChemTec Publishing, Chain Mobility and Progress in Medicine, Pharmaceutical, Polymer Science and Technology, Impact of Award, ChemTec Publishing, Databook of Antioxidants, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Antioxidants, ChemTec Publishing, Databook of UV Stabilizers (two Editions), ChemTec Publishing, Databook of Flame Retardants, ChemTec Publishing, Databook of Nucleating Agents, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Flame Retardants, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Nucleating Agents, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Polymers in Electronics, ChemTec Publishing, Databook of Impact Modifiers, ChemTec Publishing, Databook of Rheological Additives, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Impact Modifiers, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Rheological Additives, ChemTec Publishing, Databook of Polymer Processing Additives, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Polymer Processing Additives, ChemTec Publishing, Functional Fillers (two editions), 2 databases (Solvents Database, 1st, 2nd, 3rd Edition and Database of Antistatics 1st and 2nd Edition, both by ChemTec Publishing), and 42 scientific papers and obtained 16 patents. He specializes in PVC, polymer additives, material durability, and the development of sealants and coatings. He was included in the Dictionary of International Biography, Who's Who in Plastics and Polymers, and Who's Who in Engineering, and was selected International Man of the Year 1996-1997 in recognition of services to education.\u003c\/span\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e"}
Handbook of Material W...
{"id":8325740429469,"title":"Handbook of Material Weathering 7th Edition","handle":"handbook-of-material-weathering-7th-edition","description":"\u003ch5\u003eDescription\u003c\/h5\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eAuthor: George Wypych\u003cbr\u003eISBN \u003cmeta charset=\"utf-8\"\u003e\u003cspan\u003e978-1-77467-058-3\u003c\/span\u003e\u003cbr\u003e\u003cbr\u003e\u003cmeta charset=\"utf-8\"\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003cspan\u003ePublished: Jan 2025\u003c\/span\u003e\u003cbr\u003ePages: 1024+x\u003cbr\u003eFigures: 830\u003cbr\u003eTables: 66\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003ch5\u003eSummary\u003c\/h5\u003e\n\u003cp class=\"MsoNoSpacing\"\u003e\u003cspan lang=\"EN-CA\"\u003eThe 7th edition of the \u003cb\u003eHandbook of Material Weathering\u003c\/b\u003e is a comprehensive and systematic update of knowledge related to material weathering. It has been continuously revised and expanded to include the most recent advancements and discoveries in the field. The update is crucial because the field of material weathering has been evolving rapidly, with a substantial increase in research output in recent times.\u003c\/span\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp class=\"MsoNoSpacing\"\u003e\u003cspan lang=\"EN-CA\"\u003eSome key highlights of the 7th edition are:\u003c\/span\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp class=\"MsoNoSpacing\"\u003e\u003cspan lang=\"EN-CA\"\u003eExtensive Research: Over the last 35 years since the 1st edition, there has been a substantial increase in research in material weathering. Recently, more than 2000 new papers have been published yearly on polymer weathering, amounting to an average of about 40 new papers per week. This reflects the growing interest and importance of weathering studies in various industries and scientific communities\u003c\/span\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp class=\"MsoNoSpacing\"\u003e\u003ci\u003e\u003cspan lang=\"EN-CA\"\u003eExpanding Knowledge\u003c\/span\u003e\u003c\/i\u003e\u003cspan lang=\"EN-CA\"\u003e: The rapidly growing information required for professional use in material weathering has led to the need for additional books to accommodate essential knowledge. This indicates the increasing complexity and depth of research in the field and the need to address new challenges and applications. This is addressed by two new books that are published this year in addition to the \u003cb\u003eHandbook of Material Weathering\u003c\/b\u003e, each concentrating on a separate, significant subject: \u003cb\u003eWeathering. Testing Manual\u003c\/b\u003e that concentrates on standardized and emerging test methods and \u003cb\u003eEncyclopedia of Polymer Degradation\u003c\/b\u003e that departs from the classical treatment of weathering towards chemistry-based protection of environmental impact of waste-generating, degrading materials. \u003c\/span\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp class=\"MsoNoSpacing\"\u003e\u003ci\u003e\u003cspan lang=\"EN-CA\"\u003eChapters and Topics\u003c\/span\u003e\u003c\/i\u003e\u003cspan lang=\"EN-CA\"\u003e: The 7th edition of the Handbook contains 22 chapters that cover various aspects of material weathering. These chapters can be categorized into groups, such as theory (photophysics and photochemistry), stress factors (parameters of exposure, measurements, and climatic conditions), methods of weathering (laboratory degradation studies, sample preparation, etc.), and specific topics like weathering of polymers and products, the effect of additives, UV stabilizers, environmental stress cracking, and more. The table of contents below contains more details.\u003c\/span\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp class=\"MsoNoSpacing\"\u003e\u003ci\u003e\u003cspan lang=\"EN-CA\"\u003eGlobal Reach\u003c\/span\u003e\u003c\/i\u003e\u003cspan lang=\"EN-CA\"\u003e: The \u003cb\u003eHandbook of Material Weathering\u003c\/b\u003e is utilized in more than 100 countries, emphasizing its importance and relevance on an international scale. The book is valuable for research chemists, material scientists, manufacturers, quality controllers, and students seeking to apply their knowledge to real-world materials.\u003c\/span\u003e\u003cspan lang=\"EN-CA\"\u003e \u003c\/span\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp class=\"MsoNoSpacing\"\u003e\u003ci\u003e\u003cspan lang=\"EN-CA\"\u003eTimely Updates\u003c\/span\u003e\u003c\/i\u003e\u003cspan lang=\"EN-CA\"\u003e: Access to the most recent information in the field is crucial, as older editions might contain outdated information or need more current advancements. Therefore, a new edition is prepared to ensure that readers have access to the most up-to-date and relevant information.\u003c\/span\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp class=\"MsoNoSpacing\"\u003e\u003cspan lang=\"EN-CA\"\u003eOverall, the \u003cb\u003eHandbook of Material Weathering\u003c\/b\u003e is a valuable resource for professionals and researchers involved in material science, photochemistry, and related fields. It helps bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical applications, aiding in developing durable and weather-resistant materials and products.\u003c\/span\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003ch5\u003eTable of Contents\u003c\/h5\u003e\n\u003cp\u003ePreface\u003cbr\u003e1 Photophysics \u003cbr\u003e1.1 Nature of radiation \u003cbr\u003e1.2 Absorption of radiation by materials \u003cbr\u003e1.3 Fate and utilization of absorbed energy \u003cbr\u003e1.4 Radiative processes involving dimers \u003cbr\u003e1.5 Modeling and photophysical data \u003cbr\u003e2 Photochemistry \u003cbr\u003e2.1 Typical routes of photochemical reactions \u003cbr\u003e2.2 Photochemical reactivity and quantum yield \u003cbr\u003e2.3 Excitation of excited state \u003cbr\u003e2.4 Parameters of photochemical reactions \u003cbr\u003e2.5 Quenchers and photosensitizers \u003cbr\u003e3 Parameters of Exposure \u003cbr\u003e3.1 Radiation \u003cbr\u003e3.2 Temperature \u003cbr\u003e3.3 Water \u003cbr\u003e3.4 Atmosphere composition \u003cbr\u003e3.5 Pollutants \u003cbr\u003e3.6 Biological substances \u003cbr\u003e3.7 Water pollutants \u003cbr\u003e3.8 Stress \u003cbr\u003e3.9 Cooperative action of different parameters \u003cbr\u003e4 Measurements in Assessment of Weathering Conditions \u003cbr\u003e4.1 Radiation \u003cbr\u003e4.2 Sunshine duration \u003cbr\u003e4.3 Temperature \u003cbr\u003e4.4 Relative humidity \u003cbr\u003e4.5 Time of wetness \u003cbr\u003e4.6 Rain \u003cbr\u003e4.7 Pollutants \u003cbr\u003e5 Climatic Conditions \u003cbr\u003e5.1 Introduction \u003cbr\u003e5.2 Radiation \u003cbr\u003e5.3 Sunshine duration \u003cbr\u003e5.4 Temperature \u003cbr\u003e5.5 Precipitation \u003cbr\u003e5.6 Relative humidity \u003cbr\u003e5.7 Wetness time \u003cbr\u003e5.8 Pollutants \u003cbr\u003e5.9 Surface soiling \u003cbr\u003e6 Methods of Outdoor Exposure \u003cbr\u003e6.1 Introduction \u003cbr\u003e6.2 Climatic conditions and degradation rate \u003cbr\u003e6.3 Variability of weather conditions and its impact on the strategy in outdoor exposures \u003cbr\u003e6.4 Influence of specimen properties \u003cbr\u003e6.5 Typical methods of outdoor exposure \u003cbr\u003e6.6 Other parameters of exposure \u003cbr\u003e6.7 Relevant Standards \u003cbr\u003e7 Laboratory Degradation Studies \u003cbr\u003e7.1 Introduction \u003cbr\u003e7.2 Light sources \u003cbr\u003e7.3 Filters \u003cbr\u003e7.4 Radiation: delivery, monitoring, and control \u003cbr\u003e7.5 Temperature control \u003cbr\u003e7.6 Humidity control \u003cbr\u003e7.7 Specimen spraying \u003cbr\u003e7.8 Specimen racks and holders \u003cbr\u003e7.9 Weathering equipment \u003cbr\u003e7.10 Correlation between different devices \u003cbr\u003e7.11 Pollutants \u003cbr\u003e7.12 Precision of studies \u003cbr\u003e8 Weathering Cycles \u003cbr\u003e9 Sample Preparation \u003cbr\u003e10 Weathering Data Interpretation. Lifetime Prediction \u003cbr\u003e11 Artificial Weathering Versus Natural Exposure \u003cbr\u003e12 Effect of Weathering on Material Properties \u003cbr\u003e12.1 Mass loss \u003cbr\u003e12.2 Depth of degradation \u003cbr\u003e12.3 Mechanical properties \u003cbr\u003e12.4 Changes in color and optical properties \u003cbr\u003e12.5 Surface changes \u003cbr\u003e12.6 Molecular weight \u003cbr\u003e12.7 Chemical composition of surface and bulk \u003cbr\u003e12.8 Morphology and structure of surface layers \u003cbr\u003e12.9 Glass transition temperature \u003cbr\u003e12.10 Self-healing \u003cbr\u003e13 Testing Methods of Weathered Specimen \u003cbr\u003e13.1 Visual evaluation \u003cbr\u003e13.2 Microscopy \u003cbr\u003e13.3 Imaging techniques \u003cbr\u003e13.4 Gloss \u003cbr\u003e13.5 Color changes \u003cbr\u003e13.6 Visible Spectrophotometry \u003cbr\u003e13.7 UV spectrophotometry \u003cbr\u003e13.8 Infrared spectrophotometry \u003cbr\u003e13.9 Near-infrared spectroscopy \u003cbr\u003e13.10 Raman spectroscopy \u003cbr\u003e13.11 Nuclear magnetic resonance \u003cbr\u003e13.12 Electron spin resonance \u003cbr\u003e13.13 Mass spectrometry \u003cbr\u003e13.14 Positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy \u003cbr\u003e13.15 Chemiluminescence, fluorescence, and phosphorescence \u003cbr\u003e13.16 Atomic absorption spectroscopy \u003cbr\u003e13.17 WAXS and SAXS \u003cbr\u003e13.18 X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, XPS \u003cbr\u003e13.19 X-ray microtomography \u003cbr\u003e13.20 Mass change \u003cbr\u003e13.21 Density \u003cbr\u003e13.22 Contact angle \u003cbr\u003e13.23 Diffusion of gasses and water transport in polymers \u003cbr\u003e13.24 Electrical properties \u003cbr\u003e13.25 Ultrasonic measurements \u003cbr\u003e13.26 Thermal analysis \u003cbr\u003e13.27 Rheological properties of materials \u003cbr\u003e13.28 Other physical parameters \u003cbr\u003e13.29 Tensile strength \u003cbr\u003e13.30 Elongation \u003cbr\u003e13.31 Flexural strength \u003cbr\u003e13.32 Impact strength \u003cbr\u003e13.33 Creep and constant strain tests \u003cbr\u003e13.34 Residual stress \u003cbr\u003e13.35 Scratch and mar resistance \u003cbr\u003e13.36 Other mechanical properties \u003cbr\u003e13.37 Surface roughness \u003cbr\u003e13.38 Molecular weight \u003cbr\u003e13.39 Gas and liquid chromatography \u003cbr\u003e13.40 Titrimetry \u003cbr\u003e13.41 Dehydrochlorination rate \u003cbr\u003e13.42 Gel fraction \u003cbr\u003e13.43 Oxygen uptake \u003cbr\u003e13.44 Water absorption, porosity \u003cbr\u003e13.45 Microorganism growth test \u003cbr\u003e13.46 Environmental stress cracking resistance \u003cbr\u003e14 Data on Specific Polymers \u003cbr\u003e14.1 Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene, ABS \u003cbr\u003e14.2 Acrylonitrile-styrene-acrylate, ASA \u003cbr\u003e14.3 Alkyd resins \u003cbr\u003e14.4 Acrylic resins \u003cbr\u003e14.5 Cellulose \u003cbr\u003e14.6 Chitosan \u003cbr\u003e14.7 Epoxy resins \u003cbr\u003e14.8 Ethylene-propylene rubber, EPR \u003cbr\u003e14.9 Ethylene vinyl acetate copolymer, EVAc \u003cbr\u003e14.10 Ethylene propylene diene monomer, EPDM \u003cbr\u003e14.11 Fluoropolymers \u003cbr\u003e14.12 Melamine resins \u003cbr\u003e14.13 Phenoxy resins \u003cbr\u003e14.14 Polyacrylamide \u003cbr\u003e14.15 Polyacrylonitrile \u003cbr\u003e14.16 Polyamides \u003cbr\u003e14.17 Polyaniline \u003cbr\u003e14.18 Polycarbonates \u003cbr\u003e14.19 Polyesters \u003cbr\u003e14.20 Polyethylene \u003cbr\u003e14.21 Polyethylene, chlorinated \u003cbr\u003e14.22 Poly(ethylene glycol) \u003cbr\u003e14.23 Polyfluorene \u003cbr\u003e14.24 Polyimides \u003cbr\u003e14.25 Poly(lactic acid) \u003cbr\u003e14.26 Polymethylmethacrylate \u003cbr\u003e14.27 Polyoxyethylene \u003cbr\u003e14.28 Polyoxymethylene \u003cbr\u003e14.29 Poly(phenylene oxide) \u003cbr\u003e14.30 Poly(phenylene sulfide) \u003cbr\u003e14.31 Poly(-phenylene terephthalamide) \u003cbr\u003e14.32 Poly(-phenylene vinylene) \u003cbr\u003e14.33 Polypropylene \u003cbr\u003e14.34 Polystyrenes \u003cbr\u003e14.35 Polysulfones \u003cbr\u003e14.36 Polytetrafluoroethylene \u003cbr\u003e14.37 Polythiophene \u003cbr\u003e14.38 Polyurethanes \u003cbr\u003e14.39 Poly(vinyl alcohol) \u003cbr\u003e14.40 Polyvinylchloride \u003cbr\u003e14.41 Poly(vinylidene fluoride) \u003cbr\u003e14.42 Poly(vinyl methyl ether) \u003cbr\u003e14.43 Styrene-acrylonitrile copolymer \u003cbr\u003e14.44 Silicones \u003cbr\u003e14.45 Polymer blends \u003cbr\u003e14.46 Rubbers \u003cbr\u003e15 Effect of Additives on Weathering \u003cbr\u003e15.1 Fillers and reinforcing fibers \u003cbr\u003e15.2 Pigments \u003cbr\u003e15.3 Plasticizers \u003cbr\u003e15.4 Solvents and diluents \u003cbr\u003e15.5 Flame retardants \u003cbr\u003e15.6 Impact modifiers \u003cbr\u003e15.7 Thermal stabilizers \u003cbr\u003e15.8 Antioxidants \u003cbr\u003e15.9 Antimicrobial additives \u003cbr\u003e15.10 Curatives, crosslinkers, initiators \u003cbr\u003e15.11 Catalysts \u003cbr\u003e15.12 Compatibilizer \u003cbr\u003e15.12 Impurities \u003cbr\u003e15.13 Summary \u003cbr\u003e16 Weathering of Compounded Products \u003cbr\u003e16.1 Adhesives \u003cbr\u003e16.2 Aerospace \u003cbr\u003e16.3 Agriculture \u003cbr\u003e16.4 Appliances \u003cbr\u003e16.5 Automotive parts \u003cbr\u003e16.6 Automotive coatings \u003cbr\u003e16.7 Coated fabrics \u003cbr\u003e16.8 Coil-coated materials \u003cbr\u003e16.9 Composites \u003cbr\u003e16.10 Concrete \u003cbr\u003e16.11 Conservation \u003cbr\u003e16.12 Construction materials \u003cbr\u003e16.13 Cosmetics \u003cbr\u003e16.14 Dental materials \u003cbr\u003e16.15 Electronics and electrical materials \u003cbr\u003e16.16 Environmental pollutants \u003cbr\u003e16.17 Foams \u003cbr\u003e16.18 Food \u003cbr\u003e16.19 Gel coats \u003cbr\u003e16.20 Geosynthetics \u003cbr\u003e16.21 Glass and glazing materials \u003cbr\u003e16.22 Greenhouse film \u003cbr\u003e16.23 Hair \u003cbr\u003e16.24 Laminates \u003cbr\u003e16.25 Medical equipment and supplies \u003cbr\u003e16.26 Military applications \u003cbr\u003e16.27 Molded materials \u003cbr\u003e16.28 Packaging materials \u003cbr\u003e16.29 Paints and coatings \u003cbr\u003e16.30 Pavements \u003cbr\u003e16.31 Pharmaceutical products \u003cbr\u003e16.32 Pipes and tubing \u003cbr\u003e16.33 Pulp and paper \u003cbr\u003e16.34 Roofing materials \u003cbr\u003e16.35 Sealants \u003cbr\u003e16.36 Sheet \u003cbr\u003e16.37 Siding \u003cbr\u003e16.38 Solar cells and collectors \u003cbr\u003e16.39 Textiles \u003cbr\u003e16.40 Windows \u003cbr\u003e16.41 Wire and cable \u003cbr\u003e16.42 Wood \u003cbr\u003e17 Stabilization and Stabilizers \u003cbr\u003e17.1 Limiting the incoming radiation \u003cbr\u003e17.2 Deactivation of excited states and free radicals \u003cbr\u003e17.3 Elimination of singlet oxygen, peroxide decomposition, and limiting oxidative changes \u003cbr\u003e17.4 Defect removal \u003cbr\u003e17.5 Stability of UV stabilizers \u003cbr\u003e17.6 Distribution of UV absorber \u003cbr\u003e17.7 Stabilizer entrapment and interaction \u003cbr\u003e17.8 Protective coatings \u003cbr\u003e17.9 Examples of stabilization technology \u003cbr\u003e18 Biodegradation \u003cbr\u003e18.1 Biodegradation environment \u003cbr\u003e18.2 Enzymatic reactions \u003cbr\u003e18.3 Biodegradation of materials \u003cbr\u003e18.4 Biocides \u003cbr\u003e18.5 Methods of testing \u003cbr\u003e18.6 Controlled biodegradation \u003cbr\u003e19 Recycling \u003cbr\u003e19.1 Effect of degradation on recycling \u003cbr\u003e19.2 Re-stabilization of material for recycling \u003cbr\u003e19.3 Multilayer materials \u003cbr\u003e19.4 Removable paint \u003cbr\u003e19.5 Chemical recycling \u003cbr\u003e20 Environmental Stress Cracking \u003cbr\u003e20.1 Definitions \u003cbr\u003e20.2 Parameters controlling ESC \u003cbr\u003e20.3 Mechanisms of environmental stress cracking \u003cbr\u003e20.4 Kinetics of environmental stress cracking \u003cbr\u003e20.5 Effect of ESC on material durability \u003cbr\u003e20.6 Methods of testing \u003cbr\u003e21 Interrelation Between Corrosion and Weathering \u003cbr\u003e22 Weathering of Stones \u003cbr\u003eIndex \u003cbr\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003cbr\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003ch5\u003eAbout Author\u003c\/h5\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003cmeta charset=\"utf-8\"\u003e\u003cspan\u003eGeorge Wypych has PhD Eng. The professional expertise includes university teaching (full professor) and research \u0026amp; development (university and corporate). He has published 48 books (PVC Plastisols, Wroclaw University Press; Polyvinylchloride Degradation, Elsevier; Polyvinylchloride Stabilization, Elsevier; Polymer Modified Textile Materials, Wiley \u0026amp; Sons; Handbook of Material Weathering, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th Edition, ChemTec Publishing; Handbook of Fillers, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Edition, ChemTec Publishing; Recycling of PVC, ChemTec Publishing; Weathering of Plastics. Testing to Mirror Real Life Performance, Plastics Design Library, Handbook of Solvents, Vol. 1. Properties 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Edition, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Solvents, Vol. 2. Health \u0026amp; Environment 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Edition, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Plasticizers, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th Edition, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Antistatics, 1st and 2nd Edition, ChemTec Publishing, Databook of Antistatics, 1st and 2nd Edition, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Antiblocking, Release and Slip Additives, 1st , 2nd and 3rd Edition, ChemTec Publishing, Industrial Solvents in Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology (two editions), John Wiley \u0026amp; Sons, PVC Degradation \u0026amp; Stabilization, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Editions, ChemTec Publishing, The PVC Formulary, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Editions, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Material Biodegradation, Biodeterioration, and Biostabilization, 1st and 2nd Editions, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of UV Degradation and Stabilization, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Editions, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Polymers, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Editions, ChemTec Publishing, Atlas of Material Damage, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Editions, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Odors in Plastic Materials, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Editions, ChemTec Publishing, Databook of Solvents (two editions), ChemTec Publishing, Databook of Blowing and Auxiliary Agents, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Foaming and Blowing Agents (two editions), ChemTec Publishing, Databook of Green Solvents, ChemTec Publishing (two editions), Self-healing Products (two editions), ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Adhesion Promoters (two editions), ChemTec Publishing, Databook of Surface Modification Additives (two editions), ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Surface Improvement and Modification (two editions), ChemTec Publishing, Graphene – Important Results and Applications, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Curatives and Crosslinkers, ChemTec Publishing, Chain Mobility and Progress in Medicine, Pharmaceutical, Polymer Science and Technology, Impact of Award, ChemTec Publishing, Databook of Antioxidants, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Antioxidants, ChemTec Publishing, Databook of UV Stabilizers (two Editions), ChemTec Publishing, Databook of Flame Retardants, ChemTec Publishing, Databook of Nucleating Agents, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Flame Retardants, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Nucleating Agents, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Polymers in Electronics, ChemTec Publishing, Databook of Impact Modifiers, ChemTec Publishing, Databook of Rheological Additives, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Impact Modifiers, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Rheological Additives, ChemTec Publishing, Databook of Polymer Processing Additives, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Polymer Processing Additives, ChemTec Publishing, Functional Fillers (two editions), 2 databases (Solvents Database, 1st, 2nd, 3rd Edition and Database of Antistatics 1st and 2nd Edition, both by ChemTec Publishing), and 42 scientific papers and obtained 16 patents. He specializes in PVC, polymer additives, material durability, and the development of sealants and coatings. He was included in the Dictionary of International Biography, Who's Who in Plastics and Polymers, and Who's Who in Engineering, and was selected International Man of the Year 1996-1997 in recognition of services to education.\u003c\/span\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e","published_at":"2024-06-12T09:42:22-04:00","created_at":"2024-06-12T09:34:49-04:00","vendor":"Chemtec Publishing","type":"Book","tags":["2025","additive","additives","adhesion","best","book","filler","fillers","methods of weathering","new","polymer","polymers","weathering"],"price":40000,"price_min":40000,"price_max":40000,"available":true,"price_varies":false,"compare_at_price":null,"compare_at_price_min":0,"compare_at_price_max":0,"compare_at_price_varies":false,"variants":[{"id":45528733253789,"title":"Default Title","option1":"Default Title","option2":null,"option3":null,"sku":null,"requires_shipping":true,"taxable":true,"featured_image":null,"available":true,"name":"Handbook of Material Weathering 7th Edition","public_title":null,"options":["Default Title"],"price":40000,"weight":1000,"compare_at_price":null,"inventory_quantity":0,"inventory_management":null,"inventory_policy":"continue","barcode":"978-1-77467-058-3","requires_selling_plan":false,"selling_plan_allocations":[]}],"images":["\/\/chemtec.org\/cdn\/shop\/files\/9781774670583-Case_137bd831-26b8-4035-ac2a-5b74baaad589.jpg?v=1718199666"],"featured_image":"\/\/chemtec.org\/cdn\/shop\/files\/9781774670583-Case_137bd831-26b8-4035-ac2a-5b74baaad589.jpg?v=1718199666","options":["Title"],"media":[{"alt":null,"id":29565566976157,"position":1,"preview_image":{"aspect_ratio":0.713,"height":450,"width":321,"src":"\/\/chemtec.org\/cdn\/shop\/files\/9781774670583-Case_137bd831-26b8-4035-ac2a-5b74baaad589.jpg?v=1718199666"},"aspect_ratio":0.713,"height":450,"media_type":"image","src":"\/\/chemtec.org\/cdn\/shop\/files\/9781774670583-Case_137bd831-26b8-4035-ac2a-5b74baaad589.jpg?v=1718199666","width":321}],"requires_selling_plan":false,"selling_plan_groups":[],"content":"\u003ch5\u003eDescription\u003c\/h5\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eAuthor: George Wypych\u003cbr\u003eISBN \u003cmeta charset=\"utf-8\"\u003e\u003cspan\u003e978-1-77467-058-3\u003c\/span\u003e\u003cbr\u003e\u003cbr\u003e\u003cmeta charset=\"utf-8\"\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003cspan\u003ePublished: Jan 2025\u003c\/span\u003e\u003cbr\u003ePages: 1024+x\u003cbr\u003eFigures: 830\u003cbr\u003eTables: 66\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003ch5\u003eSummary\u003c\/h5\u003e\n\u003cp class=\"MsoNoSpacing\"\u003e\u003cspan lang=\"EN-CA\"\u003eThe 7th edition of the \u003cb\u003eHandbook of Material Weathering\u003c\/b\u003e is a comprehensive and systematic update of knowledge related to material weathering. It has been continuously revised and expanded to include the most recent advancements and discoveries in the field. The update is crucial because the field of material weathering has been evolving rapidly, with a substantial increase in research output in recent times.\u003c\/span\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp class=\"MsoNoSpacing\"\u003e\u003cspan lang=\"EN-CA\"\u003eSome key highlights of the 7th edition are:\u003c\/span\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp class=\"MsoNoSpacing\"\u003e\u003cspan lang=\"EN-CA\"\u003eExtensive Research: Over the last 35 years since the 1st edition, there has been a substantial increase in research in material weathering. Recently, more than 2000 new papers have been published yearly on polymer weathering, amounting to an average of about 40 new papers per week. This reflects the growing interest and importance of weathering studies in various industries and scientific communities\u003c\/span\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp class=\"MsoNoSpacing\"\u003e\u003ci\u003e\u003cspan lang=\"EN-CA\"\u003eExpanding Knowledge\u003c\/span\u003e\u003c\/i\u003e\u003cspan lang=\"EN-CA\"\u003e: The rapidly growing information required for professional use in material weathering has led to the need for additional books to accommodate essential knowledge. This indicates the increasing complexity and depth of research in the field and the need to address new challenges and applications. This is addressed by two new books that are published this year in addition to the \u003cb\u003eHandbook of Material Weathering\u003c\/b\u003e, each concentrating on a separate, significant subject: \u003cb\u003eWeathering. Testing Manual\u003c\/b\u003e that concentrates on standardized and emerging test methods and \u003cb\u003eEncyclopedia of Polymer Degradation\u003c\/b\u003e that departs from the classical treatment of weathering towards chemistry-based protection of environmental impact of waste-generating, degrading materials. \u003c\/span\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp class=\"MsoNoSpacing\"\u003e\u003ci\u003e\u003cspan lang=\"EN-CA\"\u003eChapters and Topics\u003c\/span\u003e\u003c\/i\u003e\u003cspan lang=\"EN-CA\"\u003e: The 7th edition of the Handbook contains 22 chapters that cover various aspects of material weathering. These chapters can be categorized into groups, such as theory (photophysics and photochemistry), stress factors (parameters of exposure, measurements, and climatic conditions), methods of weathering (laboratory degradation studies, sample preparation, etc.), and specific topics like weathering of polymers and products, the effect of additives, UV stabilizers, environmental stress cracking, and more. The table of contents below contains more details.\u003c\/span\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp class=\"MsoNoSpacing\"\u003e\u003ci\u003e\u003cspan lang=\"EN-CA\"\u003eGlobal Reach\u003c\/span\u003e\u003c\/i\u003e\u003cspan lang=\"EN-CA\"\u003e: The \u003cb\u003eHandbook of Material Weathering\u003c\/b\u003e is utilized in more than 100 countries, emphasizing its importance and relevance on an international scale. The book is valuable for research chemists, material scientists, manufacturers, quality controllers, and students seeking to apply their knowledge to real-world materials.\u003c\/span\u003e\u003cspan lang=\"EN-CA\"\u003e \u003c\/span\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp class=\"MsoNoSpacing\"\u003e\u003ci\u003e\u003cspan lang=\"EN-CA\"\u003eTimely Updates\u003c\/span\u003e\u003c\/i\u003e\u003cspan lang=\"EN-CA\"\u003e: Access to the most recent information in the field is crucial, as older editions might contain outdated information or need more current advancements. Therefore, a new edition is prepared to ensure that readers have access to the most up-to-date and relevant information.\u003c\/span\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp class=\"MsoNoSpacing\"\u003e\u003cspan lang=\"EN-CA\"\u003eOverall, the \u003cb\u003eHandbook of Material Weathering\u003c\/b\u003e is a valuable resource for professionals and researchers involved in material science, photochemistry, and related fields. It helps bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical applications, aiding in developing durable and weather-resistant materials and products.\u003c\/span\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003ch5\u003eTable of Contents\u003c\/h5\u003e\n\u003cp\u003ePreface\u003cbr\u003e1 Photophysics \u003cbr\u003e1.1 Nature of radiation \u003cbr\u003e1.2 Absorption of radiation by materials \u003cbr\u003e1.3 Fate and utilization of absorbed energy \u003cbr\u003e1.4 Radiative processes involving dimers \u003cbr\u003e1.5 Modeling and photophysical data \u003cbr\u003e2 Photochemistry \u003cbr\u003e2.1 Typical routes of photochemical reactions \u003cbr\u003e2.2 Photochemical reactivity and quantum yield \u003cbr\u003e2.3 Excitation of excited state \u003cbr\u003e2.4 Parameters of photochemical reactions \u003cbr\u003e2.5 Quenchers and photosensitizers \u003cbr\u003e3 Parameters of Exposure \u003cbr\u003e3.1 Radiation \u003cbr\u003e3.2 Temperature \u003cbr\u003e3.3 Water \u003cbr\u003e3.4 Atmosphere composition \u003cbr\u003e3.5 Pollutants \u003cbr\u003e3.6 Biological substances \u003cbr\u003e3.7 Water pollutants \u003cbr\u003e3.8 Stress \u003cbr\u003e3.9 Cooperative action of different parameters \u003cbr\u003e4 Measurements in Assessment of Weathering Conditions \u003cbr\u003e4.1 Radiation \u003cbr\u003e4.2 Sunshine duration \u003cbr\u003e4.3 Temperature \u003cbr\u003e4.4 Relative humidity \u003cbr\u003e4.5 Time of wetness \u003cbr\u003e4.6 Rain \u003cbr\u003e4.7 Pollutants \u003cbr\u003e5 Climatic Conditions \u003cbr\u003e5.1 Introduction \u003cbr\u003e5.2 Radiation \u003cbr\u003e5.3 Sunshine duration \u003cbr\u003e5.4 Temperature \u003cbr\u003e5.5 Precipitation \u003cbr\u003e5.6 Relative humidity \u003cbr\u003e5.7 Wetness time \u003cbr\u003e5.8 Pollutants \u003cbr\u003e5.9 Surface soiling \u003cbr\u003e6 Methods of Outdoor Exposure \u003cbr\u003e6.1 Introduction \u003cbr\u003e6.2 Climatic conditions and degradation rate \u003cbr\u003e6.3 Variability of weather conditions and its impact on the strategy in outdoor exposures \u003cbr\u003e6.4 Influence of specimen properties \u003cbr\u003e6.5 Typical methods of outdoor exposure \u003cbr\u003e6.6 Other parameters of exposure \u003cbr\u003e6.7 Relevant Standards \u003cbr\u003e7 Laboratory Degradation Studies \u003cbr\u003e7.1 Introduction \u003cbr\u003e7.2 Light sources \u003cbr\u003e7.3 Filters \u003cbr\u003e7.4 Radiation: delivery, monitoring, and control \u003cbr\u003e7.5 Temperature control \u003cbr\u003e7.6 Humidity control \u003cbr\u003e7.7 Specimen spraying \u003cbr\u003e7.8 Specimen racks and holders \u003cbr\u003e7.9 Weathering equipment \u003cbr\u003e7.10 Correlation between different devices \u003cbr\u003e7.11 Pollutants \u003cbr\u003e7.12 Precision of studies \u003cbr\u003e8 Weathering Cycles \u003cbr\u003e9 Sample Preparation \u003cbr\u003e10 Weathering Data Interpretation. Lifetime Prediction \u003cbr\u003e11 Artificial Weathering Versus Natural Exposure \u003cbr\u003e12 Effect of Weathering on Material Properties \u003cbr\u003e12.1 Mass loss \u003cbr\u003e12.2 Depth of degradation \u003cbr\u003e12.3 Mechanical properties \u003cbr\u003e12.4 Changes in color and optical properties \u003cbr\u003e12.5 Surface changes \u003cbr\u003e12.6 Molecular weight \u003cbr\u003e12.7 Chemical composition of surface and bulk \u003cbr\u003e12.8 Morphology and structure of surface layers \u003cbr\u003e12.9 Glass transition temperature \u003cbr\u003e12.10 Self-healing \u003cbr\u003e13 Testing Methods of Weathered Specimen \u003cbr\u003e13.1 Visual evaluation \u003cbr\u003e13.2 Microscopy \u003cbr\u003e13.3 Imaging techniques \u003cbr\u003e13.4 Gloss \u003cbr\u003e13.5 Color changes \u003cbr\u003e13.6 Visible Spectrophotometry \u003cbr\u003e13.7 UV spectrophotometry \u003cbr\u003e13.8 Infrared spectrophotometry \u003cbr\u003e13.9 Near-infrared spectroscopy \u003cbr\u003e13.10 Raman spectroscopy \u003cbr\u003e13.11 Nuclear magnetic resonance \u003cbr\u003e13.12 Electron spin resonance \u003cbr\u003e13.13 Mass spectrometry \u003cbr\u003e13.14 Positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy \u003cbr\u003e13.15 Chemiluminescence, fluorescence, and phosphorescence \u003cbr\u003e13.16 Atomic absorption spectroscopy \u003cbr\u003e13.17 WAXS and SAXS \u003cbr\u003e13.18 X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, XPS \u003cbr\u003e13.19 X-ray microtomography \u003cbr\u003e13.20 Mass change \u003cbr\u003e13.21 Density \u003cbr\u003e13.22 Contact angle \u003cbr\u003e13.23 Diffusion of gasses and water transport in polymers \u003cbr\u003e13.24 Electrical properties \u003cbr\u003e13.25 Ultrasonic measurements \u003cbr\u003e13.26 Thermal analysis \u003cbr\u003e13.27 Rheological properties of materials \u003cbr\u003e13.28 Other physical parameters \u003cbr\u003e13.29 Tensile strength \u003cbr\u003e13.30 Elongation \u003cbr\u003e13.31 Flexural strength \u003cbr\u003e13.32 Impact strength \u003cbr\u003e13.33 Creep and constant strain tests \u003cbr\u003e13.34 Residual stress \u003cbr\u003e13.35 Scratch and mar resistance \u003cbr\u003e13.36 Other mechanical properties \u003cbr\u003e13.37 Surface roughness \u003cbr\u003e13.38 Molecular weight \u003cbr\u003e13.39 Gas and liquid chromatography \u003cbr\u003e13.40 Titrimetry \u003cbr\u003e13.41 Dehydrochlorination rate \u003cbr\u003e13.42 Gel fraction \u003cbr\u003e13.43 Oxygen uptake \u003cbr\u003e13.44 Water absorption, porosity \u003cbr\u003e13.45 Microorganism growth test \u003cbr\u003e13.46 Environmental stress cracking resistance \u003cbr\u003e14 Data on Specific Polymers \u003cbr\u003e14.1 Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene, ABS \u003cbr\u003e14.2 Acrylonitrile-styrene-acrylate, ASA \u003cbr\u003e14.3 Alkyd resins \u003cbr\u003e14.4 Acrylic resins \u003cbr\u003e14.5 Cellulose \u003cbr\u003e14.6 Chitosan \u003cbr\u003e14.7 Epoxy resins \u003cbr\u003e14.8 Ethylene-propylene rubber, EPR \u003cbr\u003e14.9 Ethylene vinyl acetate copolymer, EVAc \u003cbr\u003e14.10 Ethylene propylene diene monomer, EPDM \u003cbr\u003e14.11 Fluoropolymers \u003cbr\u003e14.12 Melamine resins \u003cbr\u003e14.13 Phenoxy resins \u003cbr\u003e14.14 Polyacrylamide \u003cbr\u003e14.15 Polyacrylonitrile \u003cbr\u003e14.16 Polyamides \u003cbr\u003e14.17 Polyaniline \u003cbr\u003e14.18 Polycarbonates \u003cbr\u003e14.19 Polyesters \u003cbr\u003e14.20 Polyethylene \u003cbr\u003e14.21 Polyethylene, chlorinated \u003cbr\u003e14.22 Poly(ethylene glycol) \u003cbr\u003e14.23 Polyfluorene \u003cbr\u003e14.24 Polyimides \u003cbr\u003e14.25 Poly(lactic acid) \u003cbr\u003e14.26 Polymethylmethacrylate \u003cbr\u003e14.27 Polyoxyethylene \u003cbr\u003e14.28 Polyoxymethylene \u003cbr\u003e14.29 Poly(phenylene oxide) \u003cbr\u003e14.30 Poly(phenylene sulfide) \u003cbr\u003e14.31 Poly(-phenylene terephthalamide) \u003cbr\u003e14.32 Poly(-phenylene vinylene) \u003cbr\u003e14.33 Polypropylene \u003cbr\u003e14.34 Polystyrenes \u003cbr\u003e14.35 Polysulfones \u003cbr\u003e14.36 Polytetrafluoroethylene \u003cbr\u003e14.37 Polythiophene \u003cbr\u003e14.38 Polyurethanes \u003cbr\u003e14.39 Poly(vinyl alcohol) \u003cbr\u003e14.40 Polyvinylchloride \u003cbr\u003e14.41 Poly(vinylidene fluoride) \u003cbr\u003e14.42 Poly(vinyl methyl ether) \u003cbr\u003e14.43 Styrene-acrylonitrile copolymer \u003cbr\u003e14.44 Silicones \u003cbr\u003e14.45 Polymer blends \u003cbr\u003e14.46 Rubbers \u003cbr\u003e15 Effect of Additives on Weathering \u003cbr\u003e15.1 Fillers and reinforcing fibers \u003cbr\u003e15.2 Pigments \u003cbr\u003e15.3 Plasticizers \u003cbr\u003e15.4 Solvents and diluents \u003cbr\u003e15.5 Flame retardants \u003cbr\u003e15.6 Impact modifiers \u003cbr\u003e15.7 Thermal stabilizers \u003cbr\u003e15.8 Antioxidants \u003cbr\u003e15.9 Antimicrobial additives \u003cbr\u003e15.10 Curatives, crosslinkers, initiators \u003cbr\u003e15.11 Catalysts \u003cbr\u003e15.12 Compatibilizer \u003cbr\u003e15.12 Impurities \u003cbr\u003e15.13 Summary \u003cbr\u003e16 Weathering of Compounded Products \u003cbr\u003e16.1 Adhesives \u003cbr\u003e16.2 Aerospace \u003cbr\u003e16.3 Agriculture \u003cbr\u003e16.4 Appliances \u003cbr\u003e16.5 Automotive parts \u003cbr\u003e16.6 Automotive coatings \u003cbr\u003e16.7 Coated fabrics \u003cbr\u003e16.8 Coil-coated materials \u003cbr\u003e16.9 Composites \u003cbr\u003e16.10 Concrete \u003cbr\u003e16.11 Conservation \u003cbr\u003e16.12 Construction materials \u003cbr\u003e16.13 Cosmetics \u003cbr\u003e16.14 Dental materials \u003cbr\u003e16.15 Electronics and electrical materials \u003cbr\u003e16.16 Environmental pollutants \u003cbr\u003e16.17 Foams \u003cbr\u003e16.18 Food \u003cbr\u003e16.19 Gel coats \u003cbr\u003e16.20 Geosynthetics \u003cbr\u003e16.21 Glass and glazing materials \u003cbr\u003e16.22 Greenhouse film \u003cbr\u003e16.23 Hair \u003cbr\u003e16.24 Laminates \u003cbr\u003e16.25 Medical equipment and supplies \u003cbr\u003e16.26 Military applications \u003cbr\u003e16.27 Molded materials \u003cbr\u003e16.28 Packaging materials \u003cbr\u003e16.29 Paints and coatings \u003cbr\u003e16.30 Pavements \u003cbr\u003e16.31 Pharmaceutical products \u003cbr\u003e16.32 Pipes and tubing \u003cbr\u003e16.33 Pulp and paper \u003cbr\u003e16.34 Roofing materials \u003cbr\u003e16.35 Sealants \u003cbr\u003e16.36 Sheet \u003cbr\u003e16.37 Siding \u003cbr\u003e16.38 Solar cells and collectors \u003cbr\u003e16.39 Textiles \u003cbr\u003e16.40 Windows \u003cbr\u003e16.41 Wire and cable \u003cbr\u003e16.42 Wood \u003cbr\u003e17 Stabilization and Stabilizers \u003cbr\u003e17.1 Limiting the incoming radiation \u003cbr\u003e17.2 Deactivation of excited states and free radicals \u003cbr\u003e17.3 Elimination of singlet oxygen, peroxide decomposition, and limiting oxidative changes \u003cbr\u003e17.4 Defect removal \u003cbr\u003e17.5 Stability of UV stabilizers \u003cbr\u003e17.6 Distribution of UV absorber \u003cbr\u003e17.7 Stabilizer entrapment and interaction \u003cbr\u003e17.8 Protective coatings \u003cbr\u003e17.9 Examples of stabilization technology \u003cbr\u003e18 Biodegradation \u003cbr\u003e18.1 Biodegradation environment \u003cbr\u003e18.2 Enzymatic reactions \u003cbr\u003e18.3 Biodegradation of materials \u003cbr\u003e18.4 Biocides \u003cbr\u003e18.5 Methods of testing \u003cbr\u003e18.6 Controlled biodegradation \u003cbr\u003e19 Recycling \u003cbr\u003e19.1 Effect of degradation on recycling \u003cbr\u003e19.2 Re-stabilization of material for recycling \u003cbr\u003e19.3 Multilayer materials \u003cbr\u003e19.4 Removable paint \u003cbr\u003e19.5 Chemical recycling \u003cbr\u003e20 Environmental Stress Cracking \u003cbr\u003e20.1 Definitions \u003cbr\u003e20.2 Parameters controlling ESC \u003cbr\u003e20.3 Mechanisms of environmental stress cracking \u003cbr\u003e20.4 Kinetics of environmental stress cracking \u003cbr\u003e20.5 Effect of ESC on material durability \u003cbr\u003e20.6 Methods of testing \u003cbr\u003e21 Interrelation Between Corrosion and Weathering \u003cbr\u003e22 Weathering of Stones \u003cbr\u003eIndex \u003cbr\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003cbr\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003ch5\u003eAbout Author\u003c\/h5\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003cmeta charset=\"utf-8\"\u003e\u003cspan\u003eGeorge Wypych has PhD Eng. The professional expertise includes university teaching (full professor) and research \u0026amp; development (university and corporate). He has published 48 books (PVC Plastisols, Wroclaw University Press; Polyvinylchloride Degradation, Elsevier; Polyvinylchloride Stabilization, Elsevier; Polymer Modified Textile Materials, Wiley \u0026amp; Sons; Handbook of Material Weathering, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th Edition, ChemTec Publishing; Handbook of Fillers, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Edition, ChemTec Publishing; Recycling of PVC, ChemTec Publishing; Weathering of Plastics. Testing to Mirror Real Life Performance, Plastics Design Library, Handbook of Solvents, Vol. 1. Properties 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Edition, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Solvents, Vol. 2. Health \u0026amp; Environment 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Edition, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Plasticizers, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th Edition, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Antistatics, 1st and 2nd Edition, ChemTec Publishing, Databook of Antistatics, 1st and 2nd Edition, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Antiblocking, Release and Slip Additives, 1st , 2nd and 3rd Edition, ChemTec Publishing, Industrial Solvents in Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology (two editions), John Wiley \u0026amp; Sons, PVC Degradation \u0026amp; Stabilization, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Editions, ChemTec Publishing, The PVC Formulary, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Editions, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Material Biodegradation, Biodeterioration, and Biostabilization, 1st and 2nd Editions, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of UV Degradation and Stabilization, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Editions, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Polymers, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Editions, ChemTec Publishing, Atlas of Material Damage, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Editions, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Odors in Plastic Materials, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Editions, ChemTec Publishing, Databook of Solvents (two editions), ChemTec Publishing, Databook of Blowing and Auxiliary Agents, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Foaming and Blowing Agents (two editions), ChemTec Publishing, Databook of Green Solvents, ChemTec Publishing (two editions), Self-healing Products (two editions), ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Adhesion Promoters (two editions), ChemTec Publishing, Databook of Surface Modification Additives (two editions), ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Surface Improvement and Modification (two editions), ChemTec Publishing, Graphene – Important Results and Applications, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Curatives and Crosslinkers, ChemTec Publishing, Chain Mobility and Progress in Medicine, Pharmaceutical, Polymer Science and Technology, Impact of Award, ChemTec Publishing, Databook of Antioxidants, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Antioxidants, ChemTec Publishing, Databook of UV Stabilizers (two Editions), ChemTec Publishing, Databook of Flame Retardants, ChemTec Publishing, Databook of Nucleating Agents, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Flame Retardants, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Nucleating Agents, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Polymers in Electronics, ChemTec Publishing, Databook of Impact Modifiers, ChemTec Publishing, Databook of Rheological Additives, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Impact Modifiers, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Rheological Additives, ChemTec Publishing, Databook of Polymer Processing Additives, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Polymer Processing Additives, ChemTec Publishing, Functional Fillers (two editions), 2 databases (Solvents Database, 1st, 2nd, 3rd Edition and Database of Antistatics 1st and 2nd Edition, both by ChemTec Publishing), and 42 scientific papers and obtained 16 patents. He specializes in PVC, polymer additives, material durability, and the development of sealants and coatings. He was included in the Dictionary of International Biography, Who's Who in Plastics and Polymers, and Who's Who in Engineering, and was selected International Man of the Year 1996-1997 in recognition of services to education.\u003c\/span\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e"}
Encyclopedia of Polyme...
{"id":8325682987165,"title":"Encyclopedia of Polymer Degradation","handle":"encyclopedia-of-polymer-degradation","description":"\u003ch5\u003eDescription\u003c\/h5\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eAuthor: George Wypych\u003cbr\u003eISBN 978-1-77467-048-4\u003cbr\u003e\u003cbr\u003eHard copy\u003cbr\u003ePages 240+viii\u003cbr\u003ePublished: Jan 2025\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003ch5\u003eSummary\u003c\/h5\u003e\n\u003cp class=\"p1\"\u003eThe Encyclopedia takes a different approach to analyzing the effects of degradants on the degradation of materials as compared to the classical methods commonly used in weathering studies. Here are the key points:\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp class=\"p1\"\u003e\u003cstrong\u003eLimitations of Typical Weathering Studies:\u003c\/strong\u003e Conventional weathering studies often take place in natural outdoor environments where weathering parameters are not controlled. This lack of control makes it difficult to separate and understand the individual effects of different degradants on the material. Moreover, exposure sites may be in locations that do not fully represent real-life performance (e.g., no exposure to certain degradants found in urban environments). The resulting sample condition after exposure depends on the combined effects of multiple degradants, and it is hard to repeat or precisely measure all these effects. Also, in many cases, samples are too contaminated to be studied by instrumental methods.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp class=\"p1\"\u003e\u003cstrong\u003eChallenges in Laboratory Weathering Studies: \u003c\/strong\u003eWeathering studies conducted in laboratory equipment often control specific factors such as UV energy, humidity, artificial rain, and temperature during exposure. However, the studied samples are still exposed to a combination of degradants, making it challenging to isolate the partial effects of individual degradants. The typical approach involves grading damage vs. duration and analyzing composition changes vs. duration of exposure, which does not provide a complete understanding of the mechanisms and interactions among different degradants.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp class=\"p1\"\u003e\u003cstrong\u003eImportance of Understanding Degradation Mechanisms: \u003c\/strong\u003eTo effectively use different polymeric materials, it is essential to understand the specific mechanisms caused by different degradants. This understanding permits the selection of the most resistant materials for specific applications and the development of effective stabilization strategies to protect materials against degradation. Degradation and stabilization should be described through chemical equations to identify the specific reactions involved and their sequence.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp class=\"p1\"\u003e\u003cstrong\u003eEncyclopedia's Approach: \u003c\/strong\u003eThe book aims to compile research results for the most important and commonly used polymers. The focus is on identifying the unitary degradative chemical reactions, including the fate of products resulting from primary degradation, which can influence further degradation mechanisms and rates. Based on these data, the book proposes potential mechanisms of reactions (chemical descriptions of the sequence of events) for each degradation mode.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp class=\"p1\"\u003e\u003cstrong\u003eTransition to Knowledge-Based Utilization:\u003c\/strong\u003e While complete answers may be difficult to provide, the book recognizes the need to start with available data. By shifting from comparative methods to knowledge-based utilization of existing resources, the book aims to facilitate more effective prevention of waste and environmental pollution caused by material failures.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp class=\"p1\"\u003eIn summary, the book aims to provide a more comprehensive and mechanistic understanding of material degradation caused by various degradants, helping researchers and professionals select suitable materials and develop effective strategies to prevent degradation and environmental pollution.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003cbr\u003e\u003cbr\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003ch5\u003eTable of Contents\u003c\/h5\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e1 Introduction. Outdoor stability of materials (life expectance)\u003cbr\u003e2 Testing according to standards. Methods of exposure\u003cbr\u003e3 Testing according to standards. Stability measures\u003cbr\u003e4 Real-life material damage. Typical examples\u003cbr\u003e5 Examples of a combination of degradants for some real materials (encountered degrading\u003cbr\u003e environments, typical polymers used for production, and examples of performance)\u003cbr\u003e5.1 Adhesives and sealants\u003cbr\u003e5.2 Aerospace\u003cbr\u003e5.3 Automotive coatings\u003cbr\u003e5.4 Composites\u003cbr\u003e5.5 Geosynthetics\u003cbr\u003e5.6 Paints and coatings\u003cbr\u003e5.7 Roofing\u003cbr\u003e5.8 Solar cells and collectors\u003cbr\u003e5.9 Textiles\u003cbr\u003e5.10 Wood\u003cbr\u003e6 Polymer degradation. Available data (important data characterizing each polymer, reactions of degradation caused by any degradant known for this particular polymer, sequence of events which is known to be part of degradation mechanism for each degradant affecting polymer, and the major results illustrating mechanisms of degradation, products of degradation, and results of testing.)\u003cbr\u003e6.1 Acrylic resins\u003cbr\u003e6.2 Cellulose \u003cbr\u003e6.3 Epoxy resins\u003cbr\u003e6.4 Ethylene-propylene diene monomer, EPDM\u003cbr\u003e6.5 Fluorinated ethylene-propylene copolymer, FEP\u003cbr\u003e6.6 Polybutadiene\u003cbr\u003e6.7 Polycarbonate\u003cbr\u003e6.8 Polydimethylsiloxane\u003cbr\u003e6.9 Polyethylene\u003cbr\u003e6.10 Poly(ethylene terephthalate)\u003cbr\u003e6.11 Poly(lactic acid)\u003cbr\u003e6.12 Polymethylmethacrylate\u003cbr\u003e6.13 Polyoxymethylene\u003cbr\u003e6.14 Polypropylene\u003cbr\u003e6.15 Polystyrene\u003cbr\u003e6.16 Polytetrafluorethylene\u003cbr\u003e6.17 Polyurethane\u003cbr\u003e6.18 Polyvinylchloride\u003cbr\u003e6.19 Poly(vinylidene chloride)\u003cbr\u003e6.20 Rubber\u003cbr\u003e7 General testing requirements\u003cbr\u003e7.1 What to test\u003cbr\u003e7.2 Methods of study of deterioration rate\u003cbr\u003e\u003cbr\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003ch5\u003eAbout Author\u003c\/h5\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003cmeta charset=\"utf-8\"\u003eGeorge Wypych has PhD Eng. The professional expertise includes university teaching (full professor) and research \u0026amp; development (university and corporate). He has published 48 books (PVC Plastisols, Wroclaw University Press; Polyvinylchloride Degradation, Elsevier; Polyvinylchloride Stabilization, Elsevier; Polymer Modified Textile Materials, Wiley \u0026amp; Sons; Handbook of Material Weathering, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th Edition, ChemTec Publishing; Handbook of Fillers, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Edition, ChemTec Publishing; Recycling of PVC, ChemTec Publishing; Weathering of Plastics. Testing to Mirror Real Life Performance, Plastics Design Library, Handbook of Solvents, Vol. 1. Properties 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Edition, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Solvents, Vol. 2. Health \u0026amp; Environment 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Edition, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Plasticizers, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th Edition, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Antistatics, 1st and 2nd Edition, ChemTec Publishing, Databook of Antistatics, 1st and 2nd Edition, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Antiblocking, Release and Slip Additives, 1st , 2nd and 3rd Edition, ChemTec Publishing, Industrial Solvents in Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology (two editions), John Wiley \u0026amp; Sons, PVC Degradation \u0026amp; Stabilization, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Editions, ChemTec Publishing, The PVC Formulary, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Editions, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Material Biodegradation, Biodeterioration, and Biostabilization, 1st and 2nd Editions, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of UV Degradation and Stabilization, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Editions, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Polymers, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Editions, ChemTec Publishing, Atlas of Material Damage, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Editions, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Odors in Plastic Materials, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Editions, ChemTec Publishing, Databook of Solvents (two editions), ChemTec Publishing, Databook of Blowing and Auxiliary Agents, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Foaming and Blowing Agents (two editions), ChemTec Publishing, Databook of Green Solvents, ChemTec Publishing (two editions), Self-healing Products (two editions), ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Adhesion Promoters (two editions), ChemTec Publishing, Databook of Surface Modification Additives (two editions), ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Surface Improvement and Modification (two editions), ChemTec Publishing, Graphene – Important Results and Applications, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Curatives and Crosslinkers, ChemTec Publishing, Chain Mobility and Progress in Medicine, Pharmaceutical, Polymer Science and Technology, Impact of Award, ChemTec Publishing, Databook of Antioxidants, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Antioxidants, ChemTec Publishing, Databook of UV Stabilizers (two Editions), ChemTec Publishing, Databook of Flame Retardants, ChemTec Publishing, Databook of Nucleating Agents, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Flame Retardants, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Nucleating Agents, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Polymers in Electronics, ChemTec Publishing, Databook of Impact Modifiers, ChemTec Publishing, Databook of Rheological Additives, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Impact Modifiers, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Rheological Additives, ChemTec Publishing, Databook of Polymer Processing Additives, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Polymer Processing Additives, ChemTec Publishing, Functional Fillers (two editions), 2 databases (Solvents Database, 1st, 2nd, 3rd Edition and Database of Antistatics 1st and 2nd Edition, both by ChemTec Publishing), and 42 scientific papers and obtained 16 patents. He specializes in PVC, polymer additives, material durability, and the development of sealants and coatings. He was included in the Dictionary of International Biography, Who's Who in Plastics and Polymers, and Who's Who in Engineering, and was selected International Man of the Year 1996-1997 in recognition of services to education.\u003c\/p\u003e","published_at":"2024-06-12T09:31:49-04:00","created_at":"2024-06-12T09:06:23-04:00","vendor":"Chemtec Publishing","type":"Book","tags":["2025","additives","book","chromatography","extraction techniques","latex polymers","mass spectrometry","monomers","natural synthetic","new","p-testing","plasticisers","plastics","polymer","polymers","rubbers","scanning calorimetry","spectroscopy","stabilisers","testing"],"price":35000,"price_min":35000,"price_max":35000,"available":true,"price_varies":false,"compare_at_price":null,"compare_at_price_min":0,"compare_at_price_max":0,"compare_at_price_varies":false,"variants":[{"id":45528543592605,"title":"Default Title","option1":"Default Title","option2":null,"option3":null,"sku":null,"requires_shipping":true,"taxable":true,"featured_image":null,"available":true,"name":"Encyclopedia of Polymer Degradation","public_title":null,"options":["Default Title"],"price":35000,"weight":1000,"compare_at_price":null,"inventory_quantity":0,"inventory_management":null,"inventory_policy":"continue","barcode":"978-1-77467-048-4","requires_selling_plan":false,"selling_plan_allocations":[]}],"images":["\/\/chemtec.org\/cdn\/shop\/files\/9781774670484-Case02.jpg?v=1718198209"],"featured_image":"\/\/chemtec.org\/cdn\/shop\/files\/9781774670484-Case02.jpg?v=1718198209","options":["Title"],"media":[{"alt":null,"id":29565439672477,"position":1,"preview_image":{"aspect_ratio":0.649,"height":450,"width":292,"src":"\/\/chemtec.org\/cdn\/shop\/files\/9781774670484-Case02.jpg?v=1718198209"},"aspect_ratio":0.649,"height":450,"media_type":"image","src":"\/\/chemtec.org\/cdn\/shop\/files\/9781774670484-Case02.jpg?v=1718198209","width":292}],"requires_selling_plan":false,"selling_plan_groups":[],"content":"\u003ch5\u003eDescription\u003c\/h5\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eAuthor: George Wypych\u003cbr\u003eISBN 978-1-77467-048-4\u003cbr\u003e\u003cbr\u003eHard copy\u003cbr\u003ePages 240+viii\u003cbr\u003ePublished: Jan 2025\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003ch5\u003eSummary\u003c\/h5\u003e\n\u003cp class=\"p1\"\u003eThe Encyclopedia takes a different approach to analyzing the effects of degradants on the degradation of materials as compared to the classical methods commonly used in weathering studies. Here are the key points:\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp class=\"p1\"\u003e\u003cstrong\u003eLimitations of Typical Weathering Studies:\u003c\/strong\u003e Conventional weathering studies often take place in natural outdoor environments where weathering parameters are not controlled. This lack of control makes it difficult to separate and understand the individual effects of different degradants on the material. Moreover, exposure sites may be in locations that do not fully represent real-life performance (e.g., no exposure to certain degradants found in urban environments). The resulting sample condition after exposure depends on the combined effects of multiple degradants, and it is hard to repeat or precisely measure all these effects. Also, in many cases, samples are too contaminated to be studied by instrumental methods.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp class=\"p1\"\u003e\u003cstrong\u003eChallenges in Laboratory Weathering Studies: \u003c\/strong\u003eWeathering studies conducted in laboratory equipment often control specific factors such as UV energy, humidity, artificial rain, and temperature during exposure. However, the studied samples are still exposed to a combination of degradants, making it challenging to isolate the partial effects of individual degradants. The typical approach involves grading damage vs. duration and analyzing composition changes vs. duration of exposure, which does not provide a complete understanding of the mechanisms and interactions among different degradants.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp class=\"p1\"\u003e\u003cstrong\u003eImportance of Understanding Degradation Mechanisms: \u003c\/strong\u003eTo effectively use different polymeric materials, it is essential to understand the specific mechanisms caused by different degradants. This understanding permits the selection of the most resistant materials for specific applications and the development of effective stabilization strategies to protect materials against degradation. Degradation and stabilization should be described through chemical equations to identify the specific reactions involved and their sequence.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp class=\"p1\"\u003e\u003cstrong\u003eEncyclopedia's Approach: \u003c\/strong\u003eThe book aims to compile research results for the most important and commonly used polymers. The focus is on identifying the unitary degradative chemical reactions, including the fate of products resulting from primary degradation, which can influence further degradation mechanisms and rates. Based on these data, the book proposes potential mechanisms of reactions (chemical descriptions of the sequence of events) for each degradation mode.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp class=\"p1\"\u003e\u003cstrong\u003eTransition to Knowledge-Based Utilization:\u003c\/strong\u003e While complete answers may be difficult to provide, the book recognizes the need to start with available data. By shifting from comparative methods to knowledge-based utilization of existing resources, the book aims to facilitate more effective prevention of waste and environmental pollution caused by material failures.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp class=\"p1\"\u003eIn summary, the book aims to provide a more comprehensive and mechanistic understanding of material degradation caused by various degradants, helping researchers and professionals select suitable materials and develop effective strategies to prevent degradation and environmental pollution.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003cbr\u003e\u003cbr\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003ch5\u003eTable of Contents\u003c\/h5\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e1 Introduction. Outdoor stability of materials (life expectance)\u003cbr\u003e2 Testing according to standards. Methods of exposure\u003cbr\u003e3 Testing according to standards. Stability measures\u003cbr\u003e4 Real-life material damage. Typical examples\u003cbr\u003e5 Examples of a combination of degradants for some real materials (encountered degrading\u003cbr\u003e environments, typical polymers used for production, and examples of performance)\u003cbr\u003e5.1 Adhesives and sealants\u003cbr\u003e5.2 Aerospace\u003cbr\u003e5.3 Automotive coatings\u003cbr\u003e5.4 Composites\u003cbr\u003e5.5 Geosynthetics\u003cbr\u003e5.6 Paints and coatings\u003cbr\u003e5.7 Roofing\u003cbr\u003e5.8 Solar cells and collectors\u003cbr\u003e5.9 Textiles\u003cbr\u003e5.10 Wood\u003cbr\u003e6 Polymer degradation. Available data (important data characterizing each polymer, reactions of degradation caused by any degradant known for this particular polymer, sequence of events which is known to be part of degradation mechanism for each degradant affecting polymer, and the major results illustrating mechanisms of degradation, products of degradation, and results of testing.)\u003cbr\u003e6.1 Acrylic resins\u003cbr\u003e6.2 Cellulose \u003cbr\u003e6.3 Epoxy resins\u003cbr\u003e6.4 Ethylene-propylene diene monomer, EPDM\u003cbr\u003e6.5 Fluorinated ethylene-propylene copolymer, FEP\u003cbr\u003e6.6 Polybutadiene\u003cbr\u003e6.7 Polycarbonate\u003cbr\u003e6.8 Polydimethylsiloxane\u003cbr\u003e6.9 Polyethylene\u003cbr\u003e6.10 Poly(ethylene terephthalate)\u003cbr\u003e6.11 Poly(lactic acid)\u003cbr\u003e6.12 Polymethylmethacrylate\u003cbr\u003e6.13 Polyoxymethylene\u003cbr\u003e6.14 Polypropylene\u003cbr\u003e6.15 Polystyrene\u003cbr\u003e6.16 Polytetrafluorethylene\u003cbr\u003e6.17 Polyurethane\u003cbr\u003e6.18 Polyvinylchloride\u003cbr\u003e6.19 Poly(vinylidene chloride)\u003cbr\u003e6.20 Rubber\u003cbr\u003e7 General testing requirements\u003cbr\u003e7.1 What to test\u003cbr\u003e7.2 Methods of study of deterioration rate\u003cbr\u003e\u003cbr\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003ch5\u003eAbout Author\u003c\/h5\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003cmeta charset=\"utf-8\"\u003eGeorge Wypych has PhD Eng. The professional expertise includes university teaching (full professor) and research \u0026amp; development (university and corporate). He has published 48 books (PVC Plastisols, Wroclaw University Press; Polyvinylchloride Degradation, Elsevier; Polyvinylchloride Stabilization, Elsevier; Polymer Modified Textile Materials, Wiley \u0026amp; Sons; Handbook of Material Weathering, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th Edition, ChemTec Publishing; Handbook of Fillers, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Edition, ChemTec Publishing; Recycling of PVC, ChemTec Publishing; Weathering of Plastics. Testing to Mirror Real Life Performance, Plastics Design Library, Handbook of Solvents, Vol. 1. Properties 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Edition, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Solvents, Vol. 2. Health \u0026amp; Environment 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Edition, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Plasticizers, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th Edition, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Antistatics, 1st and 2nd Edition, ChemTec Publishing, Databook of Antistatics, 1st and 2nd Edition, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Antiblocking, Release and Slip Additives, 1st , 2nd and 3rd Edition, ChemTec Publishing, Industrial Solvents in Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology (two editions), John Wiley \u0026amp; Sons, PVC Degradation \u0026amp; Stabilization, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Editions, ChemTec Publishing, The PVC Formulary, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Editions, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Material Biodegradation, Biodeterioration, and Biostabilization, 1st and 2nd Editions, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of UV Degradation and Stabilization, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Editions, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Polymers, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Editions, ChemTec Publishing, Atlas of Material Damage, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Editions, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Odors in Plastic Materials, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Editions, ChemTec Publishing, Databook of Solvents (two editions), ChemTec Publishing, Databook of Blowing and Auxiliary Agents, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Foaming and Blowing Agents (two editions), ChemTec Publishing, Databook of Green Solvents, ChemTec Publishing (two editions), Self-healing Products (two editions), ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Adhesion Promoters (two editions), ChemTec Publishing, Databook of Surface Modification Additives (two editions), ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Surface Improvement and Modification (two editions), ChemTec Publishing, Graphene – Important Results and Applications, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Curatives and Crosslinkers, ChemTec Publishing, Chain Mobility and Progress in Medicine, Pharmaceutical, Polymer Science and Technology, Impact of Award, ChemTec Publishing, Databook of Antioxidants, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Antioxidants, ChemTec Publishing, Databook of UV Stabilizers (two Editions), ChemTec Publishing, Databook of Flame Retardants, ChemTec Publishing, Databook of Nucleating Agents, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Flame Retardants, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Nucleating Agents, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Polymers in Electronics, ChemTec Publishing, Databook of Impact Modifiers, ChemTec Publishing, Databook of Rheological Additives, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Impact Modifiers, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Rheological Additives, ChemTec Publishing, Databook of Polymer Processing Additives, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Polymer Processing Additives, ChemTec Publishing, Functional Fillers (two editions), 2 databases (Solvents Database, 1st, 2nd, 3rd Edition and Database of Antistatics 1st and 2nd Edition, both by ChemTec Publishing), and 42 scientific papers and obtained 16 patents. He specializes in PVC, polymer additives, material durability, and the development of sealants and coatings. He was included in the Dictionary of International Biography, Who's Who in Plastics and Polymers, and Who's Who in Engineering, and was selected International Man of the Year 1996-1997 in recognition of services to education.\u003c\/p\u003e"}