Weathering. The Testing Manual

Weathering. The Testing Manual

Author: George Wypych
ISBN 978-1-77467-064-4

Published: Jan 2025
Pages: 216+x
Figures: 47
Tables: 75


A weathering testing manual provides guidelines and procedures for conducting weathering tests on various materials and products to simulate the effects of exposure. The methods of weathering, which are discussed in Weathering. The Testing Manual, are based on requirements of ASTM, ISO, BS, Ford, GM, IEC, IEEE, MIL PV, SAE, UL, and VDA standards. These tests are particularly important for industries such as automotive, construction, coatings, electrical insulating materials, fibers, firestop materials, gaskets, geotextiles, geomembranes, glazing, inkjet inks, laminated glass, marine products, metals, paper, plastics, photovoltaic modules, pipes, printed electronic devices, roofing, rubber, sealants, solar collectors, switches,  textiles, thermal insulation, tubing, waterproofing, wire & cable, and wood.

The Weathering. The Testing Manual contains detailed information on the methods used, their differences, parameter settings, and hardware that is commercially available for performing the tests. It also includes information on sample preparation, evaluation methods, frequency of data collection, data analysis and interpretation, and reporting.

Results of testing, which are available in open literature are compared with requirements of standards for different products.

This book will be published at the same time as the 7th Edition of the Handbook of Material Weathering and the Encyclopedia of Polymer Degradation. Each book has a different purpose. Handbook of Material Weathering is the monographic source of knowledge on various aspects of weathering, which has been reporting achievements in this field for the last 35 years. Weathering. The Testing Manual, as the above outline suggests, provides knowledge on testing of currently produced major commercial products. The purpose of Encyclopedia of Polymer Degradation is to outline the limitations and challenges of presently conducted weathering studies to formulate needs and directions for transition from present comparative evaluation to knowledge-based utilization of existing resources, the book aims to facilitate more effective prevention of waste and environmental pollution caused by material failures, partially caused by incomplete understanding of their properties and limitations.

The three books together are powerful tools for chemists, chemical engineers, legislators, environmental chemists, university teachers, and students providing the most comprehensive knowledge on material weathering ever assembled.

1     Introduction
2     Conditions of Outdoor Exposures
2.1    Radiation
2.2    Temperature
2.3    Moisture and rain
2.4    Oxygen and its forms
2.5    Pollutant gases in the air (outdoor and indoor)
2.6    Particulate materials and soot
2.7    Stress
2.8    Biological substances and colonization
3    Measurements in Weathering Environments
3.1    Radiation
3.2    Sunshine duration
3.3    Temperature 
3.4    Relative humidity
3.5    Time of wetness
3.6    Rain
3.7    Pollutants
3.7.1    Carbon dioxide  
3.7.2    Carbon monoxide
3.7.3    Sulfur dioxide and acid rain
3.7.4    Nitrogen oxides
3.7.5    Ozone
3.7.6    Particles and soot
4    Methods of Outdoor Exposure
4.1    Locations and their climatic peculiarities
4.2    Preparation of the site for exposure
4.3     Preparation of samples for exposure
4.4    Methods of exposure according to standards
5    Laboratory Exposures
5.1    Radiation sources and their comparison with global spectral irradiance
5.1.1    Radiation wavelength 
5.1.2    Irradiance
5.2    Temperature control 
5.3    Humidity and rain control and simulation 
5.4    Other simulated parameters of exposure
5.5    Reference materials

6    Standards on Weathering Parameters
6.1    Acceleration in laboratory weathering
6.2    Activation energy
6.3    Activation spectrum
6.4    Global spectral irradiance
6.5    Marine environments
6.6    Ozone in the atmosphere and indoors
7    Testing Methods of Products (for each product group standardized methods are discussed and compared and  examples of durability are given based on available literature)
7.1    Adhesives
7.2    Architectural coatings
7.3    Artist pencils
7.4    Automotive coatings and interior
7.5    Bituminous coatings and materials
7.6    Coated hardboard
7.7    Cosmetics
7.8    Cover materials for solar collectors
7.9    Electrical insulating materials
7.10     Fibers
7.11    Firestop materials
7.12    Gaskets
7.13    Geosynthetics
7.14    Glazing
7.15    Hoses
7.16    Inkjet inks
7.17    Laminated glass
7.18     Metals
7.19    Optics and photonics
7.20    Ozone testing
7.21    Paints and coatings
7.22    Polyethylene and polypropylene
7.23     Polyethylene crosslinked
7.24    Photodegradable plastics
7.25    Photovoltaic modules
7.26    Pipeline coatings
7.27    Pipes
7.28    Plastics
7.29    Polish applied to painted panel
7.30     Polymer degradation
7.31    Polymeric films
7.32    Pressure-sensitive tapes
7.33    Printed electronic devices and switches
7.34    Prints
7.35    Road vehicles
7.36    Roofing and waterproofing
7.37    Rubber
7.38    Rubber seals used in collectors
7.39    Sealants
7.40    Solid materials (rocks)
7.41    Surgical implants
7.42    Textiles
7.43    Thermal insulation
7.44    Thermoplastic elastomers
7.45    Transportation coatings
7.46    Tubing
7.47    Wood

George Wypych has PhD Eng. The professional expertise includes university teaching (full professor) and research & development (university and corporate). He has published 48 books (PVC Plastisols, Wroclaw University Press; Polyvinylchloride Degradation, Elsevier; Polyvinylchloride Stabilization, Elsevier; Polymer Modified Textile Materials, Wiley & Sons; Handbook of Material Weathering, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th Edition, ChemTec Publishing; Handbook of Fillers, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Edition, ChemTec Publishing; Recycling of PVC, ChemTec Publishing; Weathering of Plastics. Testing to Mirror Real Life Performance, Plastics Design Library, Handbook of Solvents, Vol. 1. Properties 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Edition, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Solvents, Vol. 2. Health & Environment 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Edition, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Plasticizers, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th Edition, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Antistatics, 1st and 2nd Edition, ChemTec Publishing, Databook of Antistatics, 1st and 2nd Edition, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Antiblocking, Release and Slip Additives, 1st , 2nd and 3rd Edition, ChemTec Publishing, Industrial Solvents in Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology (two editions), John Wiley & Sons, PVC Degradation & Stabilization, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Editions, ChemTec Publishing, The PVC Formulary, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Editions, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Material Biodegradation, Biodeterioration, and Biostabilization, 1st and 2nd Editions, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of UV Degradation and Stabilization, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Editions, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Polymers, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Editions, ChemTec Publishing, Atlas of Material Damage, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Editions, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Odors in Plastic Materials, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Editions, ChemTec Publishing, Databook of Solvents (two editions), ChemTec Publishing, Databook of Blowing and Auxiliary Agents, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Foaming and Blowing Agents (two editions), ChemTec Publishing, Databook of Green Solvents, ChemTec Publishing (two editions), Self-healing Products (two editions), ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Adhesion Promoters (two editions), ChemTec Publishing, Databook of Surface Modification Additives (two editions), ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Surface Improvement and Modification (two editions), ChemTec Publishing, Graphene – Important Results and Applications, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Curatives and Crosslinkers, ChemTec Publishing, Chain Mobility and Progress in Medicine, Pharmaceutical, Polymer Science and Technology, Impact of Award, ChemTec Publishing, Databook of Antioxidants, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Antioxidants, ChemTec Publishing, Databook of UV Stabilizers (two Editions), ChemTec Publishing, Databook of Flame Retardants, ChemTec Publishing, Databook of Nucleating Agents, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Flame Retardants, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Nucleating Agents, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Polymers in Electronics, ChemTec Publishing, Databook of Impact Modifiers, ChemTec Publishing, Databook of Rheological Additives, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Impact Modifiers, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Rheological Additives, ChemTec Publishing, Databook of Polymer Processing Additives, ChemTec Publishing, Handbook of Polymer Processing Additives, ChemTec Publishing, Functional Fillers (two editions), 2 databases (Solvents Database, 1st, 2nd, 3rd Edition and Database of Antistatics 1st and 2nd Edition, both by ChemTec Publishing), and 42 scientific papers and obtained 16 patents. He specializes in PVC, polymer additives, material durability, and the development of sealants and coatings. He was included in the Dictionary of International Biography, Who's Who in Plastics and Polymers, and Who's Who in Engineering, and was selected International Man of the Year 1996-1997 in recognition of services to education.