Toxicity of Plastics and Rubber in Fire

Toxicity of Plastics and Rubber in Fire

Author: P.J. Fardell
ISBN 978-1-85957-001-2 

Published: 1993
101 pages, softbound
This Rapra Review Report does not seek to single out synthetic polymers as a special case. It aims to provide an overview of the whole subject of combustion toxicity and a threat to life, whilst supplying specific information on the most frequently encountered polymeric materials, and combustion products such as dioxins which have received high levels of media attention. The coverage of the review includes the nature and types of fires, biological effects, explanations of combustion toxicity, toxic hazard, risk and life threat, and methods for their measurement or evaluation. Notes are provided on specific polymers, and much additional performance data and discussion are provided by the 423 abstracts of published papers, selected from the Polymer Library, which complete the report.