Protection of Materials and Structures from the Space Environment

Protection of Materials and Structures from the Space Environment

Author: Ed. Jacob I. Kleiman
ISBN 978-1-4020-4281-2 

Published: 2006
pages 462, Hardcover
The effects of various space environment factors like atomic oxygen, vacuum ultraviolet radiation, charging, micrometeoroids, meteoroid showers, etc. on materials and structures in various orbits are discussed. In addition, the ways to prevent these effects or reduce them through protection by coatings or modification of affected surfaces are considered in the book. The discussions on the development of predictive models of material erosion that will allow the materials engineers and designers of future spacecraft to evaluate materials' behaviour are continued from the past meetings.

Introduction. Acknowledgements. Organization.
Section A. Radiation effects of protons and electrons on Back-field silicon solar cells; Z. Hu, S. He, D. Yang. Solar array arcing in LEO: how much charge is discharged? D.C. Ferguson, B.V. Vayner, J.T. Galofaro. Self-restoration as SEU protection mechanism for re-configurable on-board computing platform; L. Kirischian, et al. Synergistic effects of protons and electrons on radiation damage of methyl silicone rubber; L. Zhang et al. Influence of electron radiation on outgassing of spacecraft materials; R. H. Khassanchineet al. Effect of surface charging on the erosion rate of polyimide under 5 eV atomic oxygen beam exposure; M. Tagawa et al. Influence of space environment on spectral optical properties of thermal control coatings; V.M. Prosvirikov, et al. Mitigation of thruster plume-induced erosion of ISS sensitive hardware; C. Pankop, J. Alred, P. Boeder. Degradation of thermal control coatings under influence of proton irradiation; L.S. Noviko et al. Mitigation of damage to the international space station (ISS) from water dumps; W. Schmidl, J. Visentine, R. Mikatarian. Investigation of synergistic effects of proton and electron radiation on the dyeing of optical quartz glass; H. Liu et al. The role of "abnormal" electron fluxes with energy < 1 MeV in the surface charging dose of spacecraft; O.R. Grigoryan et al.
Section B. Vacuum ultraviolet radiation effects on DC93-500 silicone film; J.A. Dever, B.A. Banks, L. Yan. Enhancement of atomic oxygen-induced erosion of spacecraft polymeric materials by simultaneous ultraviolet exposure; K. Yokota, N. Ohmae, M. Tagawa. Ground simulation of hypervelocity space debris impacts on polymers; R. Verker et al. Testing of spacecraft materials for long duration flights in low earth orbit; L.S. Novikov et al. M/OD impacts on the multi-purpose logistics module: post-flight inspection results; J.L. Hyde, R.P. Bernhard, E.L. Christiansen. Fuel oxidizer reaction products (FORP) contamination of service module and release of N-nitrosodimethylamine in a humid environment from crew EVA suits contaminated with FORP; W. Schmidt et al. Effect of vacuum thermocycling on properties of unidirectional M40J/AG-80 Composites; Y. Gao et al. Damage characteristics of Zr41Ti14Cu12.5Ni10Be22.5 bulk metallic glass impacted by hypervelocity projectiles; C. Yang et al. Effect of VUV radiation on properties and chemical structure of polyethylene terephthalate film; G. Peng, D. Yang, S. Y. He.
Section C. Status of solar sail material characterization at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center; D. Edwards et al. Atomic oxygen durability evaluation of a UV curable ceramer protective coating ; B.A. Banks et al. Cermet thermal conversion coatings for space applications; B. W. Woods et al. Multi-function smart coatings for space applications; R.V. Kruzelecky et al. Effects of space environment exposure on the blocking force of silicone adhesive; P. Boeder et al. Dry sliding wear of Ti-6Al-4V Alloy at low temperature in vacuum; Y. Liu et al.
Section D. Erosion of Kapton H by hyperthermal atomic oxygen: Dependence on O-atom fluence and surface temperature; D.M. Buczala, T. K. Minton. Transparent arc-proof protective coatings - performance and manufacturability issues; J. Griffin et al. The study of the effects of atomic oxygen erosion on the microstructure and property of VO2 thermochromic coating using CSA’s space simulation apparatus; X.X. Jiang et al.
Section E. Damage kinetics of quartz glass by proton radiation; Q. Wei, S.Y. He, D. Yang. Microscopic mechanisms and dynamics simulations of O+(4S3/2) reacting with methane; L. Sun, G. Schatz. Theoretical study of reactions of hyperthermal O(3P) with perfluorinated hydrocarbons; D. Troya, G.C. Schatz. Simulation of UV influence on outgassing of polymer composites; R.H. Khassanchine et al. The impact of high-velocity particles on thermal pipelines in spacecraft; N.D. Semkin, K.E. Voronov, L.S. Novikov. Physical mechanism of solar cell shunting under the high-velocity impact of solid particles; V.A. Letin, A.B. Nadiradze, L.S. Novikov.
Section F. Determination of round-laboratory to in-space effective atomic oxygen fluence for DC 93-500 silicone; K.K. DeGroh, B.A. Banks, D. Ma. Atomic oxygen concentration using reflecting mirrors; M. Tagawa et al. Atomic oxygen source calibration issues: A universal approach; C. White et al. Low-cost space missions for scientific and technological investigations; D. Rankin et al.
Subject index. Author index.