Introduction. Acknowledgements. Organization.
Section A. Radiation effects of protons and electrons on Back-field silicon solar cells; Z. Hu, S. He, D. Yang. Solar array arcing in LEO: how much charge is discharged? D.C. Ferguson, B.V. Vayner, J.T. Galofaro. Self-restoration as SEU protection mechanism for re-configurable on-board computing platform; L. Kirischian, et al. Synergistic effects of protons and electrons on radiation damage of methyl silicone rubber; L. Zhang et al. Influence of electron radiation on outgassing of spacecraft materials; R. H. Khassanchineet al. Effect of surface charging on the erosion rate of polyimide under 5 eV atomic oxygen beam exposure; M. Tagawa et al. Influence of space environment on spectral optical properties of thermal control coatings; V.M. Prosvirikov, et al. Mitigation of thruster plume-induced erosion of ISS sensitive hardware; C. Pankop, J. Alred, P. Boeder. Degradation of thermal control coatings under influence of proton irradiation; L.S. Noviko et al. Mitigation of damage to the international space station (ISS) from water dumps; W. Schmidl, J. Visentine, R. Mikatarian. Investigation of synergistic effects of proton and electron radiation on the dyeing of optical quartz glass; H. Liu et al. The role of "abnormal" electron fluxes with energy < 1 MeV in the surface charging dose of spacecraft; O.R. Grigoryan et al.
Section B. Vacuum ultraviolet radiation effects on DC93-500 silicone film; J.A. Dever, B.A. Banks, L. Yan. Enhancement of atomic oxygen-induced erosion of spacecraft polymeric materials by simultaneous ultraviolet exposure; K. Yokota, N. Ohmae, M. Tagawa. Ground simulation of hypervelocity space debris impacts on polymers; R. Verker et al. Testing of spacecraft materials for long duration flights in low earth orbit; L.S. Novikov et al. M/OD impacts on the multi-purpose logistics module: post-flight inspection results; J.L. Hyde, R.P. Bernhard, E.L. Christiansen. Fuel oxidizer reaction products (FORP) contamination of service module and release of N-nitrosodimethylamine in a humid environment from crew EVA suits contaminated with FORP; W. Schmidt et al. Effect of vacuum thermocycling on properties of unidirectional M40J/AG-80 Composites; Y. Gao et al. Damage characteristics of Zr41Ti14Cu12.5Ni10Be22.5 bulk metallic glass impacted by hypervelocity projectiles; C. Yang et al. Effect of VUV radiation on properties and chemical structure of polyethylene terephthalate film; G. Peng, D. Yang, S. Y. He.
Section C. Status of solar sail material characterization at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center; D. Edwards et al. Atomic oxygen durability evaluation of a UV curable ceramer protective coating ; B.A. Banks et al. Cermet thermal conversion coatings for space applications; B. W. Woods et al. Multi-function smart coatings for space applications; R.V. Kruzelecky et al. Effects of space environment exposure on the blocking force of silicone adhesive; P. Boeder et al. Dry sliding wear of Ti-6Al-4V Alloy at low temperature in vacuum; Y. Liu et al.
Section D. Erosion of Kapton H by hyperthermal atomic oxygen: Dependence on O-atom fluence and surface temperature; D.M. Buczala, T. K. Minton. Transparent arc-proof protective coatings - performance and manufacturability issues; J. Griffin et al. The study of the effects of atomic oxygen erosion on the microstructure and property of VO2 thermochromic coating using CSA’s space simulation apparatus; X.X. Jiang et al.
Section E. Damage kinetics of quartz glass by proton radiation; Q. Wei, S.Y. He, D. Yang. Microscopic mechanisms and dynamics simulations of O+(4S3/2) reacting with methane; L. Sun, G. Schatz. Theoretical study of reactions of hyperthermal O(3P) with perfluorinated hydrocarbons; D. Troya, G.C. Schatz. Simulation of UV influence on outgassing of polymer composites; R.H. Khassanchine et al. The impact of high-velocity particles on thermal pipelines in spacecraft; N.D. Semkin, K.E. Voronov, L.S. Novikov. Physical mechanism of solar cell shunting under the high-velocity impact of solid particles; V.A. Letin, A.B. Nadiradze, L.S. Novikov.
Section F. Determination of round-laboratory to in-space effective atomic oxygen fluence for DC 93-500 silicone; K.K. DeGroh, B.A. Banks, D. Ma. Atomic oxygen concentration using reflecting mirrors; M. Tagawa et al. Atomic oxygen source calibration issues: A universal approach; C. White et al. Low-cost space missions for scientific and technological investigations; D. Rankin et al.
Subject index. Author index.
Introduction. Acknowledgements. Organization.
Section A. Radiation effects of protons and electrons on Back-field silicon solar cells; Z. Hu, S. He, D. Yang. Solar array arcing in LEO: how much charge is discharged? D.C. Ferguson, B.V. Vayner, J.T. Galofaro. Self-restoration as SEU protection mechanism for re-configurable on-board computing platform; L. Kirischian, et al. Synergistic effects of protons and electrons on radiation damage of methyl silicone rubber; L. Zhang et al. Influence of electron radiation on outgassing of spacecraft materials; R. H. Khassanchineet al. Effect of surface charging on the erosion rate of polyimide under 5 eV atomic oxygen beam exposure; M. Tagawa et al. Influence of space environment on spectral optical properties of thermal control coatings; V.M. Prosvirikov, et al. Mitigation of thruster plume-induced erosion of ISS sensitive hardware; C. Pankop, J. Alred, P. Boeder. Degradation of thermal control coatings under influence of proton irradiation; L.S. Noviko et al. Mitigation of damage to the international space station (ISS) from water dumps; W. Schmidl, J. Visentine, R. Mikatarian. Investigation of synergistic effects of proton and electron radiation on the dyeing of optical quartz glass; H. Liu et al. The role of "abnormal" electron fluxes with energy < 1 MeV in the surface charging dose of spacecraft; O.R. Grigoryan et al.
Section B. Vacuum ultraviolet radiation effects on DC93-500 silicone film; J.A. Dever, B.A. Banks, L. Yan. Enhancement of atomic oxygen-induced erosion of spacecraft polymeric materials by simultaneous ultraviolet exposure; K. Yokota, N. Ohmae, M. Tagawa. Ground simulation of hypervelocity space debris impacts on polymers; R. Verker et al. Testing of spacecraft materials for long duration flights in low earth orbit; L.S. Novikov et al. M/OD impacts on the multi-purpose logistics module: post-flight inspection results; J.L. Hyde, R.P. Bernhard, E.L. Christiansen. Fuel oxidizer reaction products (FORP) contamination of service module and release of N-nitrosodimethylamine in a humid environment from crew EVA suits contaminated with FORP; W. Schmidt et al. Effect of vacuum thermocycling on properties of unidirectional M40J/AG-80 Composites; Y. Gao et al. Damage characteristics of Zr41Ti14Cu12.5Ni10Be22.5 bulk metallic glass impacted by hypervelocity projectiles; C. Yang et al. Effect of VUV radiation on properties and chemical structure of polyethylene terephthalate film; G. Peng, D. Yang, S. Y. He.
Section C. Status of solar sail material characterization at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center; D. Edwards et al. Atomic oxygen durability evaluation of a UV curable ceramer protective coating ; B.A. Banks et al. Cermet thermal conversion coatings for space applications; B. W. Woods et al. Multi-function smart coatings for space applications; R.V. Kruzelecky et al. Effects of space environment exposure on the blocking force of silicone adhesive; P. Boeder et al. Dry sliding wear of Ti-6Al-4V Alloy at low temperature in vacuum; Y. Liu et al.
Section D. Erosion of Kapton H by hyperthermal atomic oxygen: Dependence on O-atom fluence and surface temperature; D.M. Buczala, T. K. Minton. Transparent arc-proof protective coatings - performance and manufacturability issues; J. Griffin et al. The study of the effects of atomic oxygen erosion on the microstructure and property of VO2 thermochromic coating using CSA’s space simulation apparatus; X.X. Jiang et al.
Section E. Damage kinetics of quartz glass by proton radiation; Q. Wei, S.Y. He, D. Yang. Microscopic mechanisms and dynamics simulations of O+(4S3/2) reacting with methane; L. Sun, G. Schatz. Theoretical study of reactions of hyperthermal O(3P) with perfluorinated hydrocarbons; D. Troya, G.C. Schatz. Simulation of UV influence on outgassing of polymer composites; R.H. Khassanchine et al. The impact of high-velocity particles on thermal pipelines in spacecraft; N.D. Semkin, K.E. Voronov, L.S. Novikov. Physical mechanism of solar cell shunting under the high-velocity impact of solid particles; V.A. Letin, A.B. Nadiradze, L.S. Novikov.
Section F. Determination of round-laboratory to in-space effective atomic oxygen fluence for DC 93-500 silicone; K.K. DeGroh, B.A. Banks, D. Ma. Atomic oxygen concentration using reflecting mirrors; M. Tagawa et al. Atomic oxygen source calibration issues: A universal approach; C. White et al. Low-cost space missions for scientific and technological investigations; D. Rankin et al.
Subject index. Author index.