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Description Author: Edited by Sam Zhang ISBN 978-1-43-984995-8 456 pages Summary Written in a versatile, contemporary style that will benefit both novice and expert alike, Biological and Biomedical Coatings Handbook, Two-Volume Set covers the state of the art in the development and implementation of advanced thin films and coatings in the biological field.Consisting of two volumes—Processing...
Description Author: Edited by Sam Zhang ISBN 978-1-43-982125-1 976 pages Summary Written in a versatile, contemporary style that will benefit both novice and expert alike, Biological and Biomedical Coatings Handbook, Two-Volume Set explores the state of the art in the development and implementation of advanced thin films and coatings in the biological field.The set covers advances...
Description Author: R.M. Johnson, L.Y. Mwaikambo and N. Tucker ISBN 978-1-85957-379-2 pages 158 Summary The earth has finite resources in terms of fossil origin fuel and a finite capacity for disposal of waste. Biopolymers may offer a solution to both these issues in the long-term. The ideal biopolymer is both of renewable biological origin and biodegradable...
Description Author: Yoshiharu Doi (Editor), Alexander Steinbüchel (Editor) ISBN 978-3-527-30219-2 Hardcover480 pages Summary Volumes 3a, b and 4 focus on polyesters synthesized by bacteria and eukaryotic organisms as well as all aspects of the biosynthesis and metabolism of these biopolymers together with their production and isolation. In addition, these volumes treat various synthetic polyesters and related...
Description Author: Susheel Kalia, Luc Avérous ISBN 978-0-470-63923-8 Hardcover 642 pages Summary This handbook focuses on biopolymers for both environmental and biomedical applications. It shows recent advances in technology in all areas from chemical synthesis or biosynthesis to end use applications. These areas have not been covered in a single book before and they include biopolymers...
Description Author: G.A.L. Verleye, N.P.G. Roeges and M.O. De Moor ISBN 978-1-85957-268-9 pages 174 Summary Polymers are found in every aspect of our daily lives. Materials must be carefully selected to ensure that properties match performance requirements. It is often necessary to understand the chemical nature of a material to determine whether it is suitable for...
Description Author: Rapra Conferences ISBN 978-1-84735-390-0 21-22 April 2009, Brussels, Belgium 18 papers Summary The worldwide food contact polymers market has seen the enormous change in recent years, a trend in part due to the shifting regulatory landscape. It is important, perhaps now more than ever, to keep abreast of regulatory matters and to identify...
Description Author: C. Bastioli ISBN 978-1-85957-389-1 Pages: 533 Softcover Summary Biodegradable polymers are niche market materials finding focused applications, including agricultural applications such as mulch films, flowerpots and controlled-release fertilisers and packaging items such as carrier bags and food wrapping and containers. They have the potential to provide a solution to a range of environmental...
Description Author: Andreas Lendlein (Editor), Adam Sisson (Editor) ISBN 978-3-527-32441-5 426 pages Summary A comprehensive overview of biodegradable polymers, covering everything from synthesis, characterization, and degradation mechanisms while also introducing useful applications, such as drug delivery systems and biomaterial-based regenerative therapies. An introductory section deals with such fundamentals as basic chemical reactions during degradation, the complexity...
Description Author: Falkiewicz-Dulik, M; Janda, K; Wypych, G ISBN 978-1-895198-87-4 Published: 2015Pages 464 Tables 208 Figures 85 Summary This book is about protection of materials and products against colonization and subsequent degradation of their properties. The book contains 11 chapters each devoted to essential aspects related to biodegradation and biostabilization.The introductory chapter gives the historical...
Description Author: S Ebnesajjad ISBN 978-1-4557-2834-3 448 Pages 1st edition Summary Key FeaturesEssential information and practical guidance for engineers and scientists working with bioplastics, or evaluating a migration to bioplastics.Includes key published material on biopolymers, updated specifically for this Handbook, and new material including coverage of PLA and Tissue Engineering Scaffolds.Coverage of materials and applications...
Description Author: Falkiewicz-Dulik, M; Janda, K; Wypych, G ISBN 978-1-895198-44-7 First EditionPages: 368Figures: 63Tables: 188 Summary This book is about protection of materials and products against colonization and subsequent degradation of their properties. The book contains 9 chapters each devoted to essential aspects related to biodegradation and biostabilization.The introductory chapter gives historical note on chronological developments...
Description Author: Vannessa Goodship ISBN 978-1-84735-078-7 Soft-backed, 173 pages Summary Although recycling has a long history, it is only relatively recently that environmental protection and waste management issues have come to the forefront of both public and political awareness. Outside the fields of expertise, generally little is known about either plastics or their recyclability. As in...
Description Author: Eds; Fanali; Haddad; Poole; Schoenmakers; Lloyd ISBN 978-0-12-415807-8 Hardbound, 516 Pages Summary A single source of authoritative information on all aspects of the practice of modern liquid chromatography suitable for advanced students and professionals working in a laboratory or managerial capacity Audience Practitioners of distillation and separation science looking for a quick access to...
Description Author: Ed. A.V. Zvelindovsky ISBN 978-1-4020-6329-9 Experiment, Theory, Simulation and Perspectives Springer, pages 620, hardcover Summary The book covers materials ranging from short amphiphilic molecules to block copolymers, proteins, colloids and their composites, microemulsions and bio-inspired systems such as vesicles. The book considers several fundamental questions, including how self-assembly of various soft materials with the internal...
Description Author: Todorka G Vladkova ISBN 9781847356581 Published: 2013 Hardcover Pages: 590 Summary Biomaterials work in contact with living matter and this gives a number of specific requirements for their surface properties, such as bioinertness or bioactivity, antibiofouling, and so on. Surface engineering based on physical, chemical, physical-chemical, biochemical or biological principles is important for...