Screws for Polymer Processing - The Way to Better Productivity

Screws for Polymer Processing - The Way to Better Productivity

Author: Conference Proceedings
ISBN 978-1-85957-047-0 

8 papers, softbound

pages 76

The latest technology of screw selection and design from computer simulation to performance trials is discussed. The comparison of processor requirements with screw and barrel technology, computer simulation for proper screw selection, improved productivity through extruder screw design, spreadsheets for screw design, plasticating screw design, single screw mixing, problems and solutions, refurbish or renew, how outputs with grooved feed extruders, ion implantation treatment for screws and barrels are the topics included.


  • Computer simulation for proper screw selection
  • Improved productivity through extruder screw design
  • Spread sheets for screw design
  • Plasticating screw design
  • Single screw mixing: Problems and solutions
  • Refurbish or renew?
  • High outputs with grooved feed extruders
  • Ion implantation treatment for screws and barrels