Polymers in Defence and Aerospace Applications, 2007

Polymers in Defence and Aerospace Applications, 2007

Author: Conference
ISBN 978-1-84735-019-0 

Published: 2007
Toulouse, France, 18-19 September 2007
Rapra Conference Proceedings, 2007
Polymers play a vital role in many defence and aerospace applications and there is a huge amount of activity underway globally to produce new polymers and polymeric materials that can enhance these applications. Composites are one such example where materials have revolutionised performance capabilities and, with the emergence of nanomaterials, the world of composites is set to be further extended. Many new nanocomposites have been developed, each with interesting and novel properties and new potential applications.

A significant part of the conference was therefore devoted to presentations detailing composites, nanocomposites, and their novel applications. The conference also covered many of the other key novel polymers, processes, and applications, including high-temperature thermoplastics, elastomers, and rubbers. These proceedings will appeal to all those seeking to gain insights into the crucial role that polymers play in many critical aerospace and defence applications.


Paper 1 Composite Applications and Challenges for Lightweight Design of Aircraft Structure
Dave Wood, BAE SYSTEMS – Military Air Solutions, UK

Paper 2 Quickstep curing technology: an out of – autoclave technology for prepegs and dry fibre reinforced laminates
Dr. J. Schlimbach, A. Ogale, D. Brosius & N. Noble, Quickstep GmbH, Germany


Paper 3 Polymer nanocomposites with carbon nanotubes in aerospace and defence
Dr. James Njuguna, Cranefield University, UK

Paper 4 Nylon-12 nanocomposite thin films as protective barriers
Dr. Celia Stevens, M. Gnatowski & S. Duncan, Polymer Engineering Company Ltd, Canada

Paper 5 Thermal conductivity of ethylene vinyl acetate copolymer/carbon nanofiller blends
Dr. Sayata Ghose, K.A. Watson, D.C. Working, J.W. Connell, J.G. Smith Jr, Y. Lin & Y.P. Sun, National Institute of Aerospace, USA

Paper 6 Nanoscopically controlled polymer containing gadolinium atoms for shielding against radiation
Joseph D Lichtenhan, J.P. Spratt, S. Aghara, P.A. Wheeler & R. Leadon, Hybrid Plastics, USA

Paper 7 Conducting polymer nanofibres obtained by electrospinning
Dr. Lucie Robitaille & A. Laforgue, National Research Council Canada, Canada

Paper 8 Influence of space radiation on nano adhesive bonding of high-performance polymer
Dr. Shantanu Bhowmik, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands


Paper 9 Electrically conductive shape memory polymer with anisotropic electro-thermo-mechanical properties
W.M. Huang, N. Liu, S.Y. Phoo & C.S. Chan, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Paper 10 Development of new, conductive and microwave-lossy materials involving conducting polymer coatings
Dr. Jamshid Avloni, Eeonyx Corp, USA & Dr. A. Henn, Marktek Inc, USA

Paper 11 Incorporating functional fillers into silicone elastomer systems
Brian Burkitt, B. Riegler & S. Bruner, NuSil Technology Europe, UK


Paper 12 Elastomeric solutions to seal jet oils at high temperature with fluoroelastomers and perfluoroelastomers
Jean-Luc Matoux, EW Thomas & R.W. Schnell, DuPont Performance Elastomers SA, Switzerland

Paper 13 Novel nylon/halogenated butyl rubber blends in protection against warfare agents
Dr. Marek Gnatowski, J.D. Van Dyke & A. Burczyk, Polymer Engineering Company Ltd, Canada

Paper 14 Development of wider performance range rubber seal materials and the utility of FEA modeling
Dr. Robert Keller, Freudenberg-NOK General Partnership, USA


Paper 15 New PEEK™ products and process technology developments for lightweight aerospace components
Didier Padey, John Walling & Alan Wood, Victrex plc, France

Paper 16 Polymerisation, compound and elastomeric modified ETFE in aerospace and defence applications
Phil Spencer, AGC Chemicals Europe Ltd, UK

Paper 17 Lifetime prediction and assessment of metal-polymer laminates
Julie Etheridge, AWE plc, UK


Paper 18 Sonochemical surface modification for advanced electronic materials
Dr. Andy Cobley & Prof T. Mason, The Sonochemistry Centre at Coventry University, UK

Paper 19 Polymers for exo-atmospheric supersonic vehicles: a tough life
Dr. Duncan Broughton, AWEplc, UK

Paper 20 The role of polymeric materials for effective structural damping
John R. House MIOA, QinetiQ, UK

Paper 21 Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP): the ultimate solution for low-cost RF flexible electronics and antennae
Rushi Vyas, A. Ride, S. Bhattacharya & M.M. Tentzeris, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA