Part I: Experimental Advances.
Microemulsion Templating; W.F.C. Sager. Nanofabrication of Block Copolymer Bulk and Thin Films: Microdomain Structures as Templates; Takeji Hashimoto and Kenji Fukunaga. Characterization of Surfactant Water Systems by X-Ray Scattering and 2H NMR; Michael C. Holmes. Polyelectrolyte Diblock Copolymer Micelles: Small Angle Scattering Estimates of the Charge Ordering in the Coronal Layer; Johan R.C. van der Maarel. Structure and Shear-Induced Order in Blends of a Diblock Copolymer with the Corresponding Homopolymers; I.W. Hamley, V. Castelletto, and Z. Yang. Electric Field Alignment of Diblock Copolymer Thin Films; T. Xu, J. Wang, and T.P. Russell. Control of Block Copolymer Microdomain Orientation from Solution Using Electric Fields: Governing Parameters and Mechanisms; Alexander Böker. Structure and Dynamics of Cylinder-Forming Block Copolymers in Thin Films; Larissa Tsarkova.
Part II: Mathematical and Theoretical Approaches.
Mathematical Description of Nanostructures with Minkowski Functionals; G.J.A. Sevink. Scaling Theory of Polyelectrolyte and Polyampholyte Micelles; Nadezhda P. Shusharina and Michael Rubinstein. The Latest Development of the Weak Segregation Theory of Microphase Separation in Block Copolymers; I.Ya. Erukhimovich. Coarse-Grained Modeling of Mesophase Dynamics in Block Copolymers; Zhi-Feng Huang and Jorge Viñals. Effective Interactions in Soft Materials; Alan R. Denton.
Part III: Computer Simulations.
Ab-Initio Coarse-Graining of Entangled Polymer Systems; J.T. Padding and W.J. Briels. Computer Simulations of Nano-Scale Phenomena Based on the Dynamic Density Functional Theories: Applications of SUSHI in the OCTA System; Takashi Honda and Toshihiro Kawakatsu. Monte Carlo Simulations of Nano-Confined Block Copolymers; Qiang Wang. Understanding Vesicles and Bio-Inspired Systems with Dissipative Particle Dynamics; Julian C. Shillcock. Theoretical Study of Nanostructured Biopolymers Using Molecular Dynamics Simulations: a Practical Introduction; Danilo Roccatano. Understanding Liquid/Colloids Composites with Mesoscopic Simulations; Ignacio Pogonabarraga.
Part I: Experimental Advances.
Microemulsion Templating; W.F.C. Sager. Nanofabrication of Block Copolymer Bulk and Thin Films: Microdomain Structures as Templates; Takeji Hashimoto and Kenji Fukunaga. Characterization of Surfactant Water Systems by X-Ray Scattering and 2H NMR; Michael C. Holmes. Polyelectrolyte Diblock Copolymer Micelles: Small Angle Scattering Estimates of the Charge Ordering in the Coronal Layer; Johan R.C. van der Maarel. Structure and Shear-Induced Order in Blends of a Diblock Copolymer with the Corresponding Homopolymers; I.W. Hamley, V. Castelletto, and Z. Yang. Electric Field Alignment of Diblock Copolymer Thin Films; T. Xu, J. Wang, and T.P. Russell. Control of Block Copolymer Microdomain Orientation from Solution Using Electric Fields: Governing Parameters and Mechanisms; Alexander Böker. Structure and Dynamics of Cylinder-Forming Block Copolymers in Thin Films; Larissa Tsarkova.
Part II: Mathematical and Theoretical Approaches.
Mathematical Description of Nanostructures with Minkowski Functionals; G.J.A. Sevink. Scaling Theory of Polyelectrolyte and Polyampholyte Micelles; Nadezhda P. Shusharina and Michael Rubinstein. The Latest Development of the Weak Segregation Theory of Microphase Separation in Block Copolymers; I.Ya. Erukhimovich. Coarse-Grained Modeling of Mesophase Dynamics in Block Copolymers; Zhi-Feng Huang and Jorge Viñals. Effective Interactions in Soft Materials; Alan R. Denton.
Part III: Computer Simulations.
Ab-Initio Coarse-Graining of Entangled Polymer Systems; J.T. Padding and W.J. Briels. Computer Simulations of Nano-Scale Phenomena Based on the Dynamic Density Functional Theories: Applications of SUSHI in the OCTA System; Takashi Honda and Toshihiro Kawakatsu. Monte Carlo Simulations of Nano-Confined Block Copolymers; Qiang Wang. Understanding Vesicles and Bio-Inspired Systems with Dissipative Particle Dynamics; Julian C. Shillcock. Theoretical Study of Nanostructured Biopolymers Using Molecular Dynamics Simulations: a Practical Introduction; Danilo Roccatano. Understanding Liquid/Colloids Composites with Mesoscopic Simulations; Ignacio Pogonabarraga.