International Resource Guide to Hazardous Chemicals

International Resource Guide to Hazardous Chemicals

Author: Stanley A. Greene
ISBN 0-8155-1475-1 

pages 950
This book is written for safety and environmental health professionals including: industrial hygienists, safety managers, environmental specialists, safety engineers, toxicologists, chemical manufacturers and distributors, safety equipment manufacturers, waste disposal specialists, healthcare professionals including industrial nurses and physicians, and first-response personnel including police, paramedics, and firefighters.
The book is a direct companion to Sittig's Handbook of Toxic and Hazardous Chemicals and Carcinogens in that the hazardous chemicals listed in Sittig's Handbook are the source for this guide. With more than 7,500 entries highlighting chemical producers worldwide, this international directory is a source of complete contact information for manufacturers, agencies, organizations, and useful sources of information regarding hazardous chemicals.
Each entry contains: Name, Address, Hotline, Phone, Fax, e-mail, Web Site
Manufacturers, Organizations and Government Agencies listed alphabetically by country

Section 1: Manufacturers of Hazardous Chemicals
Section 2: Chemical Industry Organizations
Section 3: Professional Environmental Health and Industrial Hygiene Organizations
Section 4: Federal Agencies
Section 5: Hot Lines and Useful Web Sites
Index of manufacturer subsidiary and division names

Stanley A. Greene is the co-author of Hazardous Chemical Safety Guide for the Machining and Metal Working Industries and has been a publishing professional for more than 25 years. He is the former owner of Warman Publishing Company and worked for Lawyer's Cooperative Publishing Company, The Legal Intelligencer, and the Auerbach Corporation. He also worked for a major chemical company and has extensive experience in the research of scientific and regulatory aspects of chemicals, especially those of major health and environmental concern.