Physical Properties of Polymers Handbook

Physical Properties of Polymers Handbook

Author: Ed. James E. Mark
ISBN 978-0-387-31235-4 


2nd Edition, pages 1076, hardcover

The second edition of Physical Properties of Polymers Handbook, each chapter has been extensively updated and revised. Each chapter has been extensively updated and revised. In addition, a dozen new chapters have been added, increasing the number of topics covered by approximately 25%. Half of these new chapters can be grouped into the general area of "Reinforcing Materials for Polymers." New chapters have increased the number of topics to cover Carbon black, Silica, Clays and other layered fillers, POSS cubic particles, Nanotubes, and Reinforcement theory. Other new chapters focus on Rotaxanes and related materials, Self-assembly materials, Foldamer supramolecular structures, Tribology, Mechanical properties of single molecules, and dendrimers. The study of complex materials is highly interdisciplinary, and new findings are published in a large selection of journals by a wide range of scientific and engineering societies. Physical Properties of Polymers Handbook brings together the work of experts from different disciplines who are contributing to the growing area of polymers and complex materials.

Key Features

  • Extensive updates and revisions to each chapter, including eleven new chapters on novel polymeric structures, reinforcing phases in polymers, and experiments on single polymer chains
  • Provides concise information on the properties of polymeric materials, particularly those most relevant to the areas of physical chemistry and chemical physics
  • Greatly reduces the effort in finding authoritative and useful information on a great range of polymers and their properties
  • Brings together the work of leading experts from different disciplines who are contributing to the rapidly growing area of polymers and complex materials
1. Chain Structures P. R. Sundararajan
2. Names, Acronyms, Classes, and Structures of Some Important Polymers - Chandima Kumudinie Jayasuriya and Jagath K. Premachandra
3. The Rotational Isomeric State Model - Carin A. Helfer and Wayne L. Mattice
4. Computational Parameters - Joel R. Fried
5. Theoretical Models and Simulations of Polymer Chains - Andrzej Kloczkowski and Andrzej Kolinski
6. Scaling, Exponents, and Fractal Dimensions - Mohamed Daoud, H. Eugene Stanley, and Dietrich Stauffer
7. Densities, Coefficients of Thermal Expansion, and Compressibilities
of Amorphous Polymers - Robert A. Orwoll
8. Thermodynamic Properties of Proteins - George I. Makhatadze
9. Heat Capacities of Polymers - Jianye Wen
10. Thermal Conductivity - Yong Yang
11. Thermodynamic Quantities Governing Melting - L. Mandelkern and R. G. Alamo
12. The Glass Temperature - Donald J. Plazek and Kia L. Ngai
13. Sub-Tg Transitions - Joel R. Fried
14. Polymer-Solvent Interaction Parameter x - Robert A. Orwoll and Pamela A. Arnold
15. Theta Temperatures - P. R. Sundararajan
16. Solubility Parameters - W. Zeng, Y. Du, Y. Xue, and H. L. Frisch
17. Mark—Houwink—Staudinger—Sakurada Constants - W. Zeng, Y. Du, Y. Xue, and H. L. Frisch
18. Polymers and Supercritical Fluids - Annette D. Shine
19. Thermodynamics of Polymer Blends - Hany B. Eitouni and Nitash P. Balsara
20. NMR Spectroscopy of Polymers - Alan E. Tonelli and Jeffery L. White
21. Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy to Study the Molecular Dynamics
of Polymers Having Different Molecular - F. Kremer
22. Group Frequency Assignments for Major Infrared Bands Observed in Common Synthetic Polymers - I. Noda, A. E. Dowrey, J. L. Haynes, and C. Marcott
23. Small Angle Neutron and X-Ray - George D. Wignall
24. Mechanical Properties - Witold Brostow
25. Chain Dimensions and Entanglement Spacings - L. J. Fetters, D. J. Lohse, and R. H. Colby
26. Temperature Dependences of the Viscoelastic Response of Polymer Systems - K. L. Ngai and D. J. Plazek
27. Adhesives - Alphonsus V. Pocius
28. Some Mechanical Properties of Typical Polymer-Based Composites - Jianye Wen
29. Polymer Networks and Gels - Ferenc Horkay and Gregory B. McKenna
30. Force Spectroscopy of Polymers: Beyond Single Chain Mechanics - Xi Zhang, Chuanjun Liu, and Weiqing Shi
31. Carbon Black - Manfred Klu¨ppel, Andreas Schro¨der, and Gert Heinrich
32. Properties of Polymers Reinforced with Silica - Chandima Kumudinie Jayasuriya and Jagath K. Premachandra
33. Physical Properties of Polymer/Clay Nanocomposites - Clois E. Powell and Gary W. Beall
34. Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxane (POSS) - Guirong Pan
35. Carbon Nanotube Polymer Composites: Recent Developments in Mechanical
Properties - M. C. Weisenberger, R. Andrews, and T. Rantell
36. Reinforcement Theories - Gert Heinrich, Manfred Klu¨ppel, and Thomas Vilgis
37. Densities of Amorphous and Crystalline Polymers - Vladyslav Kholodovych and William J. Welsh
38. Unit Cell Information on Some Important Polymers - Edward S. Clark
39. Crystallization Kinetics of Polymers - Rahul Patki, Khaled Mezghani, and Paul J. Phillips
40. Block Copolymer Melts - V. Castelletto and I. W. Hamley
41. Polymer Liquid Crystals and Their Blends - Witold Brostow
42. The Emergence of a New Macromolecular Architecture: ‘‘The Dendritic - Donald A. Tomalia
43. Polyrotaxanes - Feihe Huang, Adam M.-P. Pederson, and Harry W. Gibson
44. Foldamers: Nanoscale Shape Control at the Interface Between Small Molecules
and High Polymers - Morris M. Slutsky, Richard A. Blatchly, and Gregory N. Tew
45. Recent Advances in Supramolecular Polymers - Varun Gauba and Jeffrey D. Hartgerink
46. Conducting Polymers: Electrical Conductivity - Arthur J. Epstein
47. Electroluminescent Polymer Systems - Leni Akcelrud
48. Magnetic, Piezoelectric, Pyroelectric, and Ferroelectric Properties of Synthetic
and Biological Polymers - Andrzej Kloczkowski and Taner Z. Sen
49. Nonlinear Optical Properties of Polymers - W. M. K. P. Wijekoon, K.-S. Lee, and P. N. Prasad
50. Refractive Index, Stress-Optical Coefficient, and Optical Configuration Parameter
of Polymers - Vassilios Galiatsatos
51. Ultraviolet Radiation and Polymers - Anthony L. Andrady
52. The Effects of Electron Beam and g-Irradiation on Polymeric Materials - K. Dawes, L. C. Glover, and D. A. Vroom
53. Flammability - Archibald Tewarson
54. Thermal-Oxidative Stability and Degradation of Polymers - Vladyslav Kholodovych and William J. Welsh
55. Synthetic Biodegradable Polymers for Medical Applications - Laura J. Suggs, Sheila A. Moore, and Antonios G. Mikos
56. Biodegradability of Polymers - Anthony L. Andrady
57. Properties of Photoresist Polymers - Qinghuang Lin
58. Pyrolyzability of Preceramic Polymers - Yi Pang, Ke Feng, and Yitbarek H. Mariam
59. Surface and Interfacial Properties - Afshin Falsafi, Subu Mangipudi, and Michael J. Owen
60. Acoustic Properties of Polymers - Moitreyee Sinha and Donald J. Buckley
61. Permeability of Polymers to Gases and Vapors - S. A. Stern and J. R. Fried
62. Definitions - Ping Xu
63. Units and Conversion Factors - Shuhong Wang
Subject Index