Author: Phillip J. Wakelyn
Phillip J. Wakelyn received his B.S. in chemistry (Emory U.), M.S. in textile chemistry (GA Tech), and Ph.D. in textile chemistry (Leeds U.). Dr. Wakelyn is currently Senior Scientist, Environmental Health and Safety, National Cotton Council of America (NCC). Prior to the NCC in 1973, worked in research and teaching (fibers, textiles, flammability, air and water emissions) at the Dow Chemical Company and Texas Tech University. At NCC directly involved in health, safety, environmental, food safety and consumer/flammability issues impacting the cotton, cottonseed and textile industries as well as environmental, flammability, textile, and oilseed research. Author of more than 150 publications (technical papers, book chapters and books) and presenter of more than 200 seminars in these areas; Associate Editor for INFORM (International News on Fats, Oils and Related Materials) (for environment and safety); Alternate Technical Editor for Journal of Cotton Science (for organic dust); co-editor of the book Technology and Solvents for Extracting Oilseeds and Nonpetroleum Oils, AOCS Press. He is an external advisor and evaluator for USDA post-harvest cotton, environmental, aflatoxin and cottonseed research; technical advisor to four associations on environmental, consumer, and health and safety issues; member of the USDA Agricultural Air Quality Task Force; member USA TAG to ISO/TC38-Textiles and USA TAG to ISO/TC207-Environment; member ASTM E5.15- Flammability; and member of USDA Multi-Crop Aflatoxin Task Force. He has testified at numerous regulatory and Congressional hearings (federal and state EPA and OSHA, federal CPSC and U.S. House and Senate). He is a Certified Textile Technologist and included in American Men and Women of Science and Who's Who in Science and Engineering.
Books Published by ChemTec Publishing:
Chapter 14.10 in Handbook of Solvents (Solvents for Extracting Vegetable Oils)
Interests: Air emissions/clean air and other environmental issues, dust-related respiratory diseases/cotton dust, workplace health and safety, textile flammability, toxic chemicals
Contact Information:
CarboTech Aktivkohlen GmbH
Am Technologiepark 1
FAX: +49(0)201-172 2818
E-mail: Phillip J. Wakelyn, Ph.D.