Author: Dr. William R. Roy
Dr. Roy is a Senior Geochemist with the Illinois State Geological Survey, and an Associate Professor of Soil Chemistry with the University of Illinois. Dr. Roy has been on the Editorial Boards of the Journal of Environmental Quality and the Journal of Hazardous Materials. He has authored or coauthored 45 technical reports, 22 peer-reviewed journal papers and three book chapters. He currently conducts research, service, technical editing, administration, and he teaches NRES 381, Methods for Environmental Soil Chemistry, and serves on various graduate student committees.
Books Published by ChemTec Publishing:
Handbook of Solvents & Handbook of Antistatics
Interests: During his career, Dr. Roy's research has included coal fly ash, fluidized bed combustion by-products, the chemical fate and movement of organic solvents in soil and water, the land disposal of hazardous wastes, municipal landfills, deep-well injection, incinerator ash management, groundwater contamination by livestock facilities, and pesticides in soil and groundwater.
Consulting: Dr. Roy has been a consultant for various private, state, and federal agencies such as Life Systems, Inc., and the U.S. Department of Justice. n
Products: The Illinois State Geological Survey conducts basic and applied research and service to benefit the environmental and economic health of the State of Illinois
Contact Information:
Illinois State Geological Survey
615 East Peabody Drive
Illinois 61820-6964
Phone: (217) 333-1197
FAX: (217) 333-2341
E-mail: Dr. William R. Roy
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