Author: Christine Barthelemy
Christine BARTHELEMY, born in 1959, studied pharmacy and obtained her "Diplome d'Etat" in industrial pharmacy in 1983 at Paris University. She then completed a Ph. D. in Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of Lille in 1989 and became qualified to supervise research in the pharmaceutical field in 1994. In 1984, she was nominated lecturer at the Faculty of Pharmaceutical and Biological Sciences of the University of Lille. Since 1989, she has been assistant professor in the galenica and biopharmacy laboratory. She has been a member of the pharmaceutical section of the national council of universities (CNU) since 1999.
Books Published by ChemTec Publishing:
Handbook of Solvents
Interests: Her research principally focuses on biopharmacy (in vitro dissolution, simulated passive absorption) and pharmacokinetics. Some of her publications concern the relation between the crystallisation of drugs and the improvement of technological properties and bioavailability.
E-mail: Christine Barthelemy