Electrical Properties of Polymers

Electrical Properties of Polymers

Author: E. Riande and R. Diaz-Calleja
ISBN 978-0-824753467 

pages 600
The authors explore the properties of quasi-static dipoles, reviewing Brownian motion, Debye theory, Langevin and Smoluchowski equations, and the Onsager model. This reference displays Maxwell and entropy equations, along with several others, that depict the thermodynamics of dielectric relaxation. Featuring end-of-chapter problems and useful appendices, the book reviews molecular dynamics simulations of dynamic dielectric properties and inspects mean-square dipole moments of gases, liquids, polymers, and fixed conformations.
  • Outlines the principles of electric birefringence under static fields and clarifies birefringence dynamics
  • Explains molecular dynamics simulations of dynamic dielectric properties, including arrival at the time-dipole correlation coefficient
  • Discusses temperature dependence and long- and short-range relaxation dynamics of relaxation processes above glass transition temperature (Tg) or in the glassy state
  • Considers experimental approaches to studying dielectric polymers such as immitance analysis and thermostimulated currents